Illustrating the Laws of Attraction IT is evident to you now, that Maggie had arrived at a moment in her life which must be considered by all prudent persons as a great opportunity for a young woman.Launched into the higher society of St Ogg's, with a striking person which had the advantage of being quite unfamiliar to the majority of beholders, and with such moderate assistance of costume as you have seen foreshadowed in Lucy's anxious colloquy with aunt Pullet, Maggie was certainly at a new starting-point in life.At Lucy's first evening party, young Torry fatigued his facial muscles more than usual in order that `the dark-eyed girl there, in the corner,' might see him in all the additional style conferred by his eye-glass; and several young ladies went home intending to have short sleeves with black lace and to plait their hair in a broad coronet at the back of their head - `That cousin of Miss Deane's looked so very well.' In fact poor Maggie, with all her inward consciousness of a painful past and her presentiment of a troublesome future, was on the way to become an object of some envy - a topic of discussion in the newly-established billiard-room, and between fair friends who had no secrets from each other on the subject of trimmings.The Miss Guests, who associated chiefly on terms of condescension with the families of St Ogg's, and were the glass of fashion there, took some exception to Maggie's manners.She had a way of not assenting at once to the observations current in good society and of saying that she didn't know whether those observations were true or not which gave her an air of gaucherie and impeded the even flow of conversation; but it is a fact capable of an amiable interpretation that ladies are not the worse disposed towards a new acquaintance of their own sex because she has points of inferiority.And Maggie was so entirely without those pretty airs of coquetry which have the traditional reputation of driving gentlemen to despair, that she won some feminine pity for being so ineffective in spite of her beaty.She had not had many advantages, poor thing! and it must be admitted there was no pretension about her:
her abruptness and unevenness of manner were plainly the result of her secluded and lowly circumstances.It was only a wonder that there was no tinge of vulgarity about her, considering what the rest of poor Lucy's relations were: an allusion which always made the Miss Guests shudder a little.It was not agreeable to think of any connection by marriage with such people as the Gleggs and the Pullets; but it was of no use to contradict Stephen, when once he had set his mind on anything, and certainly there was no possible objection to Lucy in herself - no one could help liking her.She would naturally desire that the Miss Guests should behave kindly to this cousin of whom she was so fond, and Stephen would make a great fuss if they were deficient in civility.Under these circumstances the invitations to Park House were not wanting, and elsewhere also, Miss Deane was too popular and too distinguished a member of society in St Ogg's for any attention towards her to be neglected.
Thus Maggie was introduced for the first time to the young lady's life, and knew what it was to get up in the morning without any imperative reason for doing one thing more than another.This new sense of leisure and unchecked enjoyment amidst the soft-breathing airs and garden scents of advancing Spring, amidst the new abundance of music, and lingering strolls in the sunshine and delicious dreaminess of gliding on the river, could hardly be without some intoxicating effect on her after her years of privation;and even in the first week Maggie began to be less haunted by her sad memories and anticipations.Life was certainly very pleasant just now: it was becoming very pleasant to dress in the evening and to feel that she was one of the beautiful things of this spring time.And there were admiring eyes always awaiting her now; she was no longer an unheeded person, liable to be chid, from whom attention was continually claimed, and on whom no one felt bound to confer any.It was pleasant, too, when Stephen and Lucy were gone out riding, to sit down at the piano alone, and find that the old fitness between her fingers and the keys remained and revived, like a sympathetic kinship not to be worn out by separation - to get the tunes she had heard the evening before and repeat them again and again until she had found out a way of producing them so as to make them a more pregnant, passionate language to her.The mere concord of octaves was a delight to Maggie, and she would often take up a book of Studies rather than any melody, that she might taste more keenly by abstraction the more primitive sensation of intervals.
Not that her enjoyment of music was of the kind that indicates a great specific talent: it was rather that her sensibility to the supreme excitement of music was only one form of that passionate sensibility which belonged to her whole nature and made her faults and virtues all merge in each other - made her affection sometimes an angry demand, but also prevented her vanity from taking the form of mere feminine coquetry and device, and gave it the poetry of ambition.But you have known Maggie a long while, and need to be told, not her characteristics, but her history, which is hardly to be predicted even from the completest knowledge of characteristics.
For the tragedy of our lives is not created entirely from within.`Character'
- says Novalis, in one of his questionable aphorisms - `character is destiny.'