书城公版The Princess and Curdie


The Avengers There was nothing now to be dreaded from Dr Kelman, but it made Curdie anxious, as the evening drew near, to think that not a soul belonging to the court had been to visit the king, or ask how he did, that day.He feared, in some shape or other, a more determined assault.He had provided himself a place in the room, to which he might retreat upon approach, and whence he could watch;but not once had he had to betake himself to it.

Towards night the king fell asleep.Curdie thought more and more uneasily of the moment when he must again leave them for a little while.Deeper and deeper fell the shadows.No one came to light the lamp.The princess drew her chair close to Curdie: she would rather it were not so dark, she said.She was afraid of something - she could not tell what; nor could she give any reason for her fear but that all was so dreadfully still.

When it had been dark about an hour, Curdie thought Lina might have returned; and reflected that the sooner he went the less danger was there of any assault while he was away.There was more risk of his own presence being discovered, no doubt, but things were now drawing to a crisis, and it must be run.So, telling the princess to lock all the doors of the bedchamber, and let no one in, he took his mattock, and with here a run, and there a halt under cover, gained the door at the head of the cellar stair in safety.To his surprise he found it locked, and the key was gone.There was no time for deliberation.He felt where the lock was, and dealt it a tremendous blow with his mattock.It needed but a second to dash the door open.Someone laid a hand on his arm.

'Who is it?' said Curdie.

'I told you they wouldn't believe me, sir,' said the housemaid.'Ihave been here all day.'

He took her hand, and said, 'You are a good, brave girl.Now come with me, lest your enemies imprison you again.'

He took her to the cellar, locked the door, lighted a bit of candle, gave her a little wine, told her to wait there till he came, and went out the back way.

Swiftly he swung himself up into the dungeon.Lina had done her part.The place was swarming with creatures - animal forms wilder and more grotesque than ever ramped in nightmare dream.Close by the hole, waiting his coming, her green eyes piercing the gulf below, Lina had but just laid herself down when he appeared.All about the vault and up the slope of the rubbish heap lay and stood and squatted the forty-nine whose friendship Lina had conquered in the wood.They all came crowding about Curdie.

He must get them into the cellar as quickly as ever he could.But when he looked at the size of some of them, he feared it would be a long business to enlarge the hole sufficiently to let them through.At it he rushed, hitting vigorously at the edge with his mattock.At the very first blow came a splash from the water beneath, but ere he could heave a third, a creature like a tapir, only that the grasping point of its proboscis was hard as the steel of Curdie's hammer, pushed him gently aside, making room for another creature, with a head like a great club, which it began banging upon the floor with terrible force and noise.After about a minute of this battery, the tapir came up again, shoved Clubhead aside, and putting its own head into the hole began gnawing at the sides of it with the finger of its nose, in such a fashion that the fragments fell in a continuous gravelly shower into the water.In a few minutes the opening was large enough for the biggest creature among them to get through it.