书城公版The Princess and Curdie


The place was dirty and disorderly.In a recess, on a heap of brushwood, lay a kitchen-maid, with a table cover around her, and a skillet in her hand: evidently she too had been drinking.In another corner lay a page, and Curdie noted how like his dress was to his own.in the cinders before the hearth were huddled three dogs and five cats, all fast asleep, while the rats were running about the floor.Curdie's heart ached to think of the lovely child-princess living over such a sty.The mine was a paradise to a palace with such servants in it.

Leaving the kitchen, he got into the region of the sculleries.

There horrible smells were wandering about, like evil spirits that come forth with the darkness.He lighted a candle - but only to see ugly sights.Everywhere was filth and disorder.Mangy turnspit dogs were lying about, and grey rats were gnawing at refuse in the sinks.It was like a hideous dream.He felt as if he should never get out of it, and longed for one glimpse of his mother's poor little kitchen, so clean and bright and airy.

Turning from it at last in miserable disgust, he almost ran back through the kitchen, re-entered the hall, and crossed it to another door.

It opened upon a wider passage leading to an arch in a stately corridor, all its length lighted by lamps in niches.At the end of it was a large and beautiful hall, with great pillars.There sat three men in the royal livery, fast asleep, each in a great armchair, with his feet on a huge footstool.They looked like fools dreaming themselves kings; and Lina looked as if she longed to throttle them.At one side of the hall was the grand staircase, and they went up.

Everything that now met Curdie's eyes was rich - not glorious like the splendours of the mountain cavern, but rich and soft - except where, now and then, some rough old rib of the ancient fortress came through, hard and discoloured.Now some dark bare arch of stone, now some rugged and blackened pillar, now some huge beam, brown with the smoke and dust of centuries, looked like a thistle in the midst of daisies, or a rock in a smooth lawn.

They wandered about a good while, again and again finding themselves where they had been before.Gradually, however, Curdie was gaining some idea of the place.By and by Lina began to look frightened, and as they went on Curdie saw that she looked more and more frightened.Now, by this time he had come to understand that what made her look frightened was always the fear of frightening, and he therefore concluded they must be drawing nigh to somebody.

At last, in a gorgeously painted gallery, he saw a curtain of crimson, and on the curtain a royal crown wrought in silks and stones.He felt sure this must be the king's chamber, and it was here he was wanted; or, if it was not the place he was bound for, something would meet him and turn him aside; for he had come to think that so long as a man wants to do right he may go where he can: when he can go no farther, then it is not the way.'Only,'

said his father, in assenting to the theory, 'he must really want to do right, and not merely fancy he does.He must want it with his heart and will, and not with his rag of a tongue.'

So he gently lifted the corner of the curtain, and there behind it was a half-open door.He entered, and the moment he was in, Lina stretched herself along the threshold between the curtain and the door.