书城公版The Mysterious Island


In consequence and in view of these future establishments, it became of much importance that they should penetrate into all the yet unknown parts of Lincoln Island, that is to say, through that thick forest which extended on the right bank of the Mercy, from its mouth to the extremity of the Serpentine Peninsula, as well as on the whole of its western side.But this needed settled weather, and a month must pass before this exploration could be profitably undertaken.

They therefore waited with some impatience, when an incident occurred which increased the desire the settlers had to visit the whole of their domain.

It was the 24th of October.On this day, Pencroft had gone to visit his traps, which he always kept properly baited.In one of them he found three animals which would be very welcome for the larder.They were a female peccary and her two young ones.

Pencroft then returned to Granite House, enchanted with his capture, and, as usual, he made a great show of his game.

"Come, we shall have a grand feast, captain!" he exclaimed."And you too, Mr.Spilett, you will eat some!""I shall be very happy," replied the reporter; "but what is it that I am going to eat?""Suckling-pig."

"Oh, indeed, suckling-pig, Pencroft? To hear you, I thought that you were bringing back a young partridge stuffed with truffles!""What?" cried Pencroft."Do you mean to say that you turn up your nose at suckling-pig?'

"No," replied Gideon Spilett, without showing any enthusiasm; "provided one doesn't eat too much""That's right, that's right," returned the sailor, who was not pleased whenever he heard his chase made light of."You like to make objections.

Seven months ago, when we landed on the island, you would have been only too glad to have met with such game!""Well, well," replied the reporter, "man is never perfect, nor contented.""Now," said Pencroft, "I hope that Neb will distinguish himself.Look here! These two little peccaries are not more than three months old! They will be as tender as quails! Come along, Neb, come! I will look after the cooking myself."And the sailor, followed by Neb, entered the kitchen, where they were soon absorbed in their culinary labors.

They were allowed to do it in their own way.Neb, therefore, prepared a magnificent repast--the two little peccaries, kangaroo soup, a smoked ham, stone-pine almonds, Oswego tea; in fact, all the best that they had, but among all the dishes figured in the first rank the savory peccaries.

At five o'clock dinner was served in the dining-room of Granite House.

The kangaroo soup was smoking on the table.They found it excellent.

To the soup succeeded the peccaries, which Pencroft insisted on carving himself, and of which he served out monstrous portions to each of the guests.

These suckling-pigs were really delicious, and Pencroft was devouring his share with great gusto, when all at once a cry and an oath escaped him.

"What's the matter?" asked Cyrus Harding.

"The matter? the matter is that I have just broken a tooth!" replied the sailor.

"What, are there pebbles in your peccaries?" said Gideon Spilett.

"I suppose so," replied Pencroft, drawing from his lips the object which had cost him a grinder!--It was not a pebble--it was a leaden bullet.