书城公版The Mysterious Island


Above the forest were passing large clouds, to which the crater of Mount Franklin incessantly added fuliginous matter.These clouds, which rolled heavily in the air, were evidently composed of heterogeneous substances.It was not alone from the volcano that they derived their strange opacity and weight.Scoriae, in a state of dust, like powdered pumice-stone, and grayish ashes as small as the finest feculae, were held in suspension in the midst of their thick folds.These ashes are so fine that they have been observed in the air for whole months.After the eruption of 1783 in Iceland for upwards of a year the atmosphere was thus charged with volcanic dust through which the rays of the sun were only with difficulty discernible.

But more often this pulverized matter falls, and this happened on the present occasion.Cyrus Harding and Ayrton had scarcely reached the corral when a sort of black snow like fine gunpowder fell, and instantly changed the appearance of the soil.Trees, meadows, all disappeared beneath a covering several inches in depth.But, very fortunately, the wind blew from the northeast, and the greater part of the cloud dissolved itself over the sea.

"This is very singular, Captain Harding," said Ayrton.

"It is very serious," replied the engineer."This powdered pumice-stone, all this mineral dust, proves how grave is the convulsion going forward in the lower depths of the volcano.""But can nothing be done?"

"Nothing, except to note the progress of the phenomenon.Do you, therefore, Ayrton, occupy yourself with the necessary work at the corral.

In the meantime I will ascend just beyond the source of Red Creek and examine the condition of the mountain upon its northern aspect.Then--""Well, Captain Harding?"

"Then we will pay a visit to Dakkar Grotto.I wish to inspect it.At any rate I will come back for you in two hours."Ayrton then proceeded to enter the corral, and, while awaiting the engineer's return, busied himself with the musmons and goats which seemed to feel a certain uneasiness in presence of these first signs of an eruption.

Meanwhile Cyrus Harding ascended the crest of the eastern spur, passed Red Creek, and arrived at the spot where he and his companions had discovered a sulphurous spring at the time of their first exploration.

How changed was everything! Instead of a single column of smoke he counted thirteen, forced through the soil as if violently propelled by some piston.It was evident that the crust of the earth was subjected in this part of the globe to a frightful pressure.The atmosphere was saturated with gases and carbonic acid, mingled with aqueous vapors.Cyrus Harding felt the volcanic tufa with which the plain was strewn, and which was but pulverized cinders hardened into solid blocks by time, tremble beneath him, but he could discover no traces of fresh lava.

The engineer became more assured of this when he observed all the northern part of Mount Franklin.Pillars of smoke and flame escaped from the crater; a hail of scoriae fell on the ground; but no current of lava burst from the mouth of the volcano, which proved that the volcanic matter had not yet attained the level of the superior orifice of the central shaft.

"But I would prefer that it were so," said Cyrus Harding to himself."At any rate, I should then know that the lava had followed its accustomed track.who can say that it may not take a new course? But the danger does not consist in that! Captain Nemo foresaw it clearly! No, the danger does not lie there!"Cyrus Harding advanced towards the enormous causeway whose prolongation enclosed the narrow Shark Gulf.He could now sufficiently examine on this side the ancient channels of the lava.There was no doubt in his mind that the most recent eruption had occurred at a far-distant epoch.

He then returned by the same way, listening attentively to the subterranean mutterings which rolled like long-continued thunder, interrupted by deafening explosions.At nine in the morning he reached the corral.

Ayrton awaited him.

"The animals are cared for, Captain Harding,' said Ayrton.

"Good, Ayrton."

"They seem uneasy, Captain Harding."

"Yes, instinct speaks through them, and instinct is never deceived.""Are you ready?"

"Take a lamp, Ayrton," answered the engineer; "we will start at once.

Ayrton did as desired.The onagers, unharnessed, roamed in the corral.