第54章 A CRISIS(4)

And then he lost himself in recapitulating Mrs Kirkpatrick's good qualities, and the advantages to be gained to his daughter from the step he had just taken.It was too late to go round by Hamley that afternoon.The Towers and the Towers' round lay just in the opposite direction to Hamley.So it was the next morning before Mr Gibson arrived at the hall, timing his visit as well as he could so as to have half-an-hour's private talk with Molly before Mrs Hamley came down into the drawing-room.He thought that his daughter would require sympathy after receiving the intelligence he had to communicate;and he knew there was no one more fit to give it than Mrs Hamley.It was a brilliantly hot summer's morning; men in their shirt-sleeves were in the fields getting in the early harvest of oats; as Mr Gibson rode slowly along, he could see them over the tall hedge-rows, and even hear the soothing measured sound of the fall of the long swathes, as they were mown.The labourers seemed too hot to talk; the dog, guarding their coats and cans, lay panting loudly on the other side of the elm, under which Mr Gibson stopped for an instant to survey the scene, and gain a little delay before the interview that he wished was well over.In another minute he had snapped at himself for his weakness, and put spurs to his horse.He came up to the hall at a good sharp trot; it was earlier than the usual time of his visits, and no one was expecting him; all the stablemen were in the fields, but that signified little to Mr Gibson; he walked his horse about for five minutes or so before taking him into the stable, and loosened his girths, examining him with perhaps unnecessary exactitude.He went into the house by a private door, and made his way into the drawing-room, half expecting, however, that Molly would be in the garden.She had been there, but it was too hot and dazzling now for her to remain out of doors, and she had come in by the open window of the drawing-room.Oppressed with the heat, she had fallen asleep in an easy-chair, her bonnet and open book upon her knee, one arm hanging listlessly down.She looked very soft, and young, and childlike; and a gush of love sprang into her father's heart as he gazed at her.'Molly!' said he, gently, taking the little brown hand that was hanging down, and holding it in his own.'Molly!' She opened her eyes, that for one moment had no recognition in them.Then the light came brilliantly into them and she sprang up, and threw her arms round his neck, exclaiming, - 'Oh, papa, my dear, dear papa! What made you come while I was asleep? Ilove the pleasure of watching for you.' Mr Gibson turned a little paler than he had been before.He still held her hand, and drew her to a seat by him on a sofa, without speaking.There was no need; she was chattering away.'I was up so early! It is so charming to be out here in the fresh morning air.I think that made me sleepy.But isn't it a gloriously hot day? Iwonder if the Italian skies they talk about can be bluer than that - that little bit you see just between the oaks - there!' She pulled her hand away, and used both it and the other to turn her father's head, so that he should exactly see the very bit she meant.She was rather struck by his unusual silence.'Have you heard from Miss Eyre, papa? How are they all? And this fever that is about? Do you know, papa, I don't think you are looking well? You want me at home to take care of you.How soon may I come home?' 'Don't I look well? That must be all your fancy, goosey.I feel uncommonly well; and I ought to look well, for -- I have a piece of news for you, little woman.' (He felt that he was doing his business very awkwardly, but he was determined to plunge on.) 'Can you guess it?' 'How should I?' said she; but her tone was changed, and she was evidently uneasy, as with the presage of an instinct.'Why, you see, my love,' said he, again taking her hand, 'that you are in a very awkward position - a girl growing up in such a family as mine - young men - which was a piece of confounded stupidity on my part.And I am obliged to be away so much.' 'But there is Miss Eyre,' said she, sick with the strengthening indefinite presage of what was to come.'Dear Miss Eyre, I want nothing but her and you.' 'Still there are times like the present when Miss Eyre cannot be with you;her home is not with us; she has other duties.I've been in great perplexity for some time; but at last I've taken a step which will, I hope, make us both happier.' 'You're going to be married again,' said she, helping him out, with a quiet dry voice, and gently drawing her hand out of his.'Yes.To Mrs Kirkpatrick - you remember her? They call her Clare at the Towers.You recollect how kind she was to you that day you were left there?' She did not answer.She could not tell what words to use.She was afraid of saying anything, lest the passion of anger, dislike, indignation - whatever it was that was boiling up in her breast - should find vent in cries and screams, or worse, in raging words that could never be forgotten.It was as if the piece of solid ground on which she stood had broken from the shore, and she was drifting out to the infinite sea alone.Mr Gibson saw that her silence was unnatural, and half-guessed at the cause of it.But he knew that she must have time to reconcile herself to the idea, and still believed that it would be for her eventual happiness.He had, besides, the relief of feeling that the secret was told, the confidence made, which he had been dreading for the last twenty-four hours.He went on recapitulating all the advantages of the marriage; he knew them off by heart now.'She's a very suitable age for me.I don't know how old she is exactly, but she must be nearly forty.I shouldn't have wished to marry any one younger.She's highly respected by Lord and Lady Cumnor and their family, which is of itself a character.She has very agreeable and polished manners - of course, from the circles she has been thrown into - and you and I, goosey, are apt to be a little brusque, or so; we must brush up our manners now.' No remark from her on this little bit of playfulness.He went on, - 'She has been accustomed to housekeeping - economical housekeeping, too - for of late years she has had a school at Ashcombe, and has had, of course, to arrange all things for a large family.And last, but not least, she has a daughter - about your age, Molly - who, of course, will come and live with us, and be a nice companion - a sister - for you.' Still she was silent.At length she said, - 'So I was sent out of the house that all this might be quietly arranged in my absence?' Out of the bitterness of her heart she spoke, but she was roused out of her assumed impassiveness by the effect produced.Her father started up, and quickly left the room, saying something to himself - what, she could not hear, though she ran after him, followed him through dark stone passages, into the glare of the stable-yard, into the stables - 'Oh, papa, papa - I'm not myself - I don't know what to say about this hateful - detestable -- ' He led his horse out.She did not know if he beard her words.Just as he mounted, he turned round upon her with a grey grim face, - 'I think it's better for both of us, for me to go away now.We may say things difficult to forget.We are both much agitated.By to-morrow we shall be more composed; you will have thought it over, and have seen that the principal - one great motive, I mean - was your good.You may tell Mrs Hamley - I meant to have told her myself.I will come again to-morrow.