It seemed very long before Mr Gibson came down.He went and stood with his back to the empty fireplace, and did not speak for a minute or two.'He's gone to bed,' said he at length.'Robinson and I have got him there.

But just as I was leaving him he called me back, and asked me to let you stop.I'm sure I don't know - but one doesn't like to refuse at such a time.' 'I wish to stay,' said Molly.'Do you? There's a good girl.But how will you manage?' 'Oh, never mind that.I can manage.Papa,' - she paused - what did Osborne die of?' She asked the question in a low, awe-stricken voice.'Something wrong about the heart.You wouldn't understand if I told you.

I apprehended it for some time; but it is, better not to talk of such things at home.When I saw him on Thursday week, he seemed better than I have seen him for a long time.I told Dr Nicholls so.But one never can calculate in these complaints.' 'You saw him on Thursday week? Why, you never mentioned it!' said Molly.'No.I don't talk of my patients at home, Besides, I didn't want him to consider me as his doctor, but.as a friend.Any alarm about his own health would only have hastened the catastrophe.' 'Then didn't he know that he was ill - ill of a dangerous complaint, Imean: one that might end as it has done?' 'No; certainly not.He would only have been watching his symptoms - accelerating matters, in fact.' 'Oh, papa!' said Molly, shocked.'I've no time to go into the question,' Mr Gibson continued.'And until you know what has to be said on both sides, and in every instance, you are not qualified to judge.We must keep our attention on the duties in hand now.You sleep here for the remainder of the night, which is more than half-gone already?' 'Yes.' 'Promise me to go to bed just as usual.You may not think it, but most likely you'll go to sleep at once.People do at your age.' 'Papa, I think I ought to tell you something.I know a great secret of Osborne's, which I promised solemnly not to tell; but the last time I saw him I think he must have been afraid of something like this.' A fit of sobbing came upon her, which her father was afraid would end in hysterics.

But suddenly she mastered herself, and looked up into his anxious face, and smiled to reassure him.'I could not help it, papa!' 'No.I know.Go on with what you were saying.You ought to be in bed; but if you have a secret on your mind you won't sleep.' 'Osborne was married,' said she, fixing her eyes on her father.'That is the secret.' 'Married! Nonsense.What makes you think so?' 'He told me.That's to say, I was in the library - was reading there, some time ago; and Roger came and spoke to Osborne about his wife.Roger did not see me, but Osborne did.They made me promise secrecy.I don't think I did wrong.' 'Don't worry yourself about right or wrong just now; tell me more about it, at once.' 'I knew no more till six months ago - last November, when you went up to Lady Cumnor.Then he called, and gave me his wife's address, but still under promise of secrecy; and, excepting those two times, I have never heard any one mention the subject.I think he would have told me more that last time, only Miss Phoebe came in.' 'Where is this wife of his?' 'Down in the south; near Winchester, I think.He said she was a Frenchwoman and a Roman Catholic; and I think he said she was a servant,' added Molly.'Phew!' Her father made a long whistle of dismay.'And,' continued Molly, 'he spoke of a child.Now you know as much as Ido, papa, except the address.I have it written down safe at home.' Forgetting, apparently, what time of night it was, Mr Gibson sate down, stretched out his legs before him, put his hands in his pockets, and began to think.Molly sate still without speaking, too tired to do more than wait.'Well!' said he at last, jumping up, 'nothing can be done to-night; by to-morrow morning, perhaps, I may find out.Poor little pale face!' - taking it between both his hands and kissing it; 'poor, sweet, little pale face!'

Then he rang the bell, and told Robinson to send some maid-servant to take Miss Gibson to her room.'He won't be up early,' said he, in parting.'The shock has lowered him too much to be energetic.Send breakfast up to him in his own room.I'll be here again before ten.' Late as it was before he left, he kept his word.'Now, Molly,' he said, 'you and I must tell him the truth between us.Idon't know how he will take it; it may comfort him, but I have very little hope: either way, he ought to know it at once.' 'Robinson says he has gone into the room again, and he is afraid he has locked the door on the inside.' 'Never mind.I shall ring the bell, and send up Robinson to say that Iam here, and wish to speak to him.' The message returned was, 'The squire's kind love, and could not see Mr Gibson just then.' Robinson added, 'It was a long time before he'd answer at all, sir.' 'Go up again, and tell him I can wait his convenience.Now that's a lie,'