书城公版King Henry VI Part 3

第21章 ACT IV(3)

WARWICK and the rest cry all 'Warwick!Warwick!'and set upon the guard,who fly,crying 'Arm!Arm!'WARWICK and the rest following them.

The drum playing and trumpet sounding,re-enter WARWICK and the rest,bringing the KING out in his gown,sitting in a chair.GLOUCESTER and HASTINGS fly over the stage

SOMERSET.What are they that fly there?WARWICK.Richard and Hastings.Let them go;here is the Duke.KING EDWARD.The Duke!Why,Warwick,when we parted,Thou call'dst me King?WARWICK.Ay, but the case is alter'd.When you disgrac'd me in my embassade,Then I degraded you from being King,And come now to create you Duke of York.Alas,how should you govern any kingdom That know not how to use ambassadors,Nor how to be contented with one wife,Nor how to use your brothers brotherly,Nor how to study for the people's welfare,Nor how to shroud yourself from enemies?KING EDWARD.Yea,brother of Clarence,art thou here too?Nay,then I see that Edward needs must down.Yet,Warwick,in despite of all mischance,Of thee thyself and all thy complices,Edward will always bear himself as King.Though fortune's malice overthrow my state,My mind exceeds the compass of her wheel.WARWICK.Then,for his mind,be Edward England's king;[Takes off his crown]But Henry now shall wear the English crown And be true King indeed;thou but the shadow.My Lord of Somerset,at my request,See that forthwith Duke Edward be convey'd Unto my brother,Archbishop of York.When I have fought with Pembroke and his fellows,I'll follow you and tell what answer Lewis and the Lady Bona send to him.Now for a while farewell,good Duke of York.KING EDWARD.What fates impose,that men must needs abide;It boots not to resist both wind and tide.[They lead him out forcibly]OXFORD.What now remains,my lords,for us to do But march to London with our soldiers?WARWICK.Ay,that's the first thing that we have to do;To free King Henry from imprisonment,And see him seated in the regal throne.Exeunt

SCENE IV.London.The palace


RIVERS.Madam,what makes you in this sudden change?QUEEN ELIZABETH.Why,brother Rivers,are you yet to learn What late misfortune is befall'n King Edward?RIVERS.What,loss of some pitch'd battle against Warwick?QUEEN ELIZABETH.No,but the loss of his own royal person.RIVERS.Then is my sovereign slain?QUEEN ELIZABETH.Ay,almost slain,for he is taken prisoner;Either betray'd by falsehood of his guard Or by his foe surpris'd at unawares;And,as I further have to understand,Is new committed to the Bishop of York,Fell Warwick's brother,and by that our foe.RIVERS.These news,I must confess,are full of grief;Yet,gracious madam,bear it as you may:Warwick may lose that now hath won the day.QUEEN ELIZABETH.Till then,fair hope must hinder life's decay.And I the rather wean me from despair For love of Edward's offspring in my womb.This is it that makes me bridle passion And bear with mildness my misfortune's cross;Ay,ay,for this I draw in many a tear And stop the rising of blood-sucking sighs,Lest with my sighs or tears I blast or drown King Edward's fruit,true heir to th'English crown.RIVERS.But,madam,where is Warwick then become?QUEEN ELIZABETH.I am inform'd that he comes towards London To set the crown once more on Henry's head.Guess thou the rest:King Edward's friends must down.But to prevent the tyrant's violence-For trust not him that hath once broken faith-I'll hence forthwith unto the sanctuary To save at least the heir of Edward's right.There shall I rest secure from force and fraud.Come,therefore,let us fly while we may fly:If Warwick take us,we are sure to die.Exeunt

SCENE V.A park near Middleham Castle in



STANLEY,and others

GLOUCESTER.Now,my Lord Hastings and Sir William Stanley,Leave off to wonder why I drew you hither Into this chiefest thicket of the park.Thus stands the case:you know our King,my brother,Is prisoner to the Bishop here,at whose hands He hath good usage and great liberty;And often but attended with weak guard Comes hunting this way to disport himself.I have advertis'd him by secret means That if about this hour he make this way,Under the colour of his usual game,He shall here find his friends,with horse and men,To set him free from his captivity.

Enter KING EDWARD and a HUNTSMAN with him HUNTSMAN.This way,my lord;for this way lies the game.KING EDWARD.Nay,this way,man.See where the huntsmen stand.Now,brother of Gloucester,Lord Hastings,and the rest,Stand you thus close to steal the Bishop's deer?GLOUCESTER.Brother,the time and case requireth haste;Your horse stands ready at the park corner.KING EDWARD.But whither shall we then?HASTINGS.To Lynn,my lord;and shipt from thence to Flanders.GLOUCESTER.Well guess'd,believe me;for that was my meaning.KING EDWARD.Stanley,I will requite thy forwardness.GLOUCESTER.But wherefore stay we?'Tis no time to talk.KING EDWARD.Huntsman,what say'st thou?Wilt thou go along?HUNTSMAN.Better do so than tarry and be hang'd.GLOUCESTER.Come then,away;let's ha'no more ado.KING EDWARD.Bishop,farewell.Shield thee from Warwick's frown,And pray that I may repossess the crown.Exeunt

SCENE VI.London.The Tower