
It is difficult to preserve potatoes through the year, and impossible to store them like corn, for two or three years together.The fear of not being able to sell them before they rot discourages their cultivation, and is, perhaps, the chief obstacle to their ever becoming in any great country, like bread, the principal vegetable food of all the different ranks of the people.


Of the Produce of Land which sometimes does, and sometimes does not, afford Rent HUMAN food seems to be the only produce of land which always and necessarily affords some rent to the landlord.Other sorts of produce sometimes may and sometimes may not, according to different circumstances.

After food, clothing and lodging are the two great wants of mankind.

Land in its original rude state can afford the materials of clothing and lodging to a much greater number of people than it can feed.In its improved state it can sometimes feed a greater number of people than it can supply with those materials; at least in the way in which they require them, and are willing to pay for them.In the one state, therefore, there is always a superabundance of those materials, which are frequently, upon that account, of little or no value.In the other there is often a scarcity, which necessarily augments their value.In the one state a great part of them is thrown away as useless, and the price of what is used is considered as equal only to the labour and expense of fitting it for use, and can, therefore, afford no rent to the landlord.In the other they are all made use of, and there is frequently a demand for more than can be had.Somebody is always willing to give more for every part of them than what is sufficient to pay the expense of bringing them to market.

Their price, therefore, can always afford some rent to the landlord.

The skins of the larger animals were the original materials of clothing.Among nations of hunters and shepherds, therefore, whose food consists chiefly in the flesh of those animals, every man, by providing himself with food, provides himself with the materials of more clothing than he can wear.If there was no foreign commerce, the greater part of them would be thrown away as things of no value.This was probably the case among the hunting nations of North America before their country was discovered by the Europeans, with whom they now exchange their surplus peltry for blankets, fire-arms, and brandy, which gives it some value.In the present commercial state of the known world, the most barbarous nations, I believe, among whom land property is established, have some foreign commerce of this kind, and find among their wealthier neighbours such a demand for all the materials of clothing which their land produces, and which can neither be wrought up nor consumed at home, as raises their price above what it costs to send them to those wealthier neighbours.It affords, therefore, some rent to the landlord.

When the greater part of the highland cattle were consumed on their own hills, the exportation of their hides made the most considerable article of the commerce of that country, and what they were exchanged for afforded some addition to the rent of the highland estates.The wool of England, which in old times could neither be consumed nor wrought up at home, found a market in the then wealthier and more industrious country of Flanders, and its price afforded something to the rent of the land which produced it.In countries not better cultivated than England was then, or than the highlands of Scotland are now, and which had no foreign commerce, the materials of clothing would evidently be so superabundant that a great part of them would be thrown away as useless, and no part could afford any rent to the landlord.

The materials of lodging cannot always be transported to so great a distance as those of clothing, and do not so readily become an object of foreign commerce.When they are superabundant in the country which produces them, it frequently happens, even in the present commercial state of the world, that they are of no value to the landlord.A good stone quarry in the neighbourhood of London would afford a considerable rent.In many parts of Scotland and Wales it affords none.Barren timber for building is of great value in a populous and well-cultivated country, and the land which produces it affords a considerable rent.But in many parts of North America the landlord would be much obliged to anybody who would carry away the greater part of his large trees.

In some parts of the highlands of Scotland the bark is the only part of the wood which, for want of roads and water-carriage, can be sent to market.The timber is left to rot upon the ground.

When the materials of lodging are so superabundant, the part made use of is worth only the labour and expense of fitting it for that use.It affords no rent to the landlord, who generally grants the use of it to whoever takes the trouble of asking it.

The demand of wealthier nations, however, sometimes enables him to get a rent for it.The paving of the streets of London has enabled the owners of some barren rocks on the coast of Scotland to draw a rent from what never afforded any before.The woods of Norway and of the coasts of the Baltic find a market in many parts of Great Britain which they could not find at home, and thereby afford some rent to their proprietors.