书城公版The Scarlet Pimpernel


are you there?"

The next moment he rounded the rock against which Sir Percy and Marguerite were leaning, and seeing the weird figure still clad in the Jew's long gaberdine, he paused in sudden, complete bewilderment.

But already Blakeney had struggled to his feet.

"Here I am, friend," he said with his funny, inane laugh, "all alive! though I do look a begad scarecrow in these demmed things.""Zooks!" ejaculated Sir Andrew in boundless astonishment as he recognized his leader, "of all the. . ."The young man had seen Marguerite, and happily checked the forcible language that rose to his lips, at sight of the exquisite Sir Percy in this weird and dirty garb.

"Yes!" said Blakeney, calmly, "of all the. . .hem!. . .My friend!--I have not yet had time to ask you what you were doing in France, when I ordered you to remain in London? Insubordination?