书城公版The Scarlet Pimpernel


"She can wait up there!" he said with a grunt. "It's comfortable, and I have no other room.""Nothing could be better," said Marguerite in English; she at once realised the advantages such a position hidden from view would give her. "Give him the money, Sir Andrew; I shall be quite happy up there, and can see everything without being seen."She nodded to Brogard, who condescended to go up to the attic, and to shake up the straw that lay on the floor.

"May I entreat you, madam, to do nothing rash," said Sir Andrew, as Marguerite prepared in her turn to ascend the rickety flight of steps. "Remember this place is infested with spies. Do not, I beg of you, reveal yourself to Sir Percy, unless you are absolutely certain that you are alone with him."Even as he spoke, he felt how unnecessary was this caution:

Marguerite was as calm, as clear-headed as any man. There was no fear of her doing anything that was rash.