书城公版The Scarlet Pimpernel


No! there was no room for any fond delusions! Percy, the husband whom she loved with all the ardour which her admiration for his bravery had kindled, was in immediate, deadly peril, through her hand. She had betrayed him to his enemy--unwittingly `tis true--but she HAD betrayed him, and if Chauvelin succeeded in trapping him, who so far was unaware of his danger, then his death would be at her door. His death! when with her very heart's blood, she would have defended him and given willingly her life for his.

She had ordered her coach to drive her to the "Crown" inn;once there, she told her coachman to give the horses food and rest.

Then she ordered a chair, and had herself carried to the house in Pall Mall where Sir Andrew Ffoulkes lived.