书城公版The Scarlet Pimpernel


"His Royal Highness is ever gracious, Madame," said Marguerite, demurely, and with a wealth of mischief in her twinkling blue eyes, "but there is no need for his kind of meditation. . . .

Your amiable reception of me at our last meeting still dwells pleasantly in my memory.""We poor exiles, Madame," rejoined the Comtesse, frigidly, "show our gratitude to England by devotion to the wishes of Monseigneur.""Madame!" said Marguerite, with another ceremonious curtsey.

"Madame," responded the Comtesse with equal dignity.

The Prince in the meanwhile was saying a few gracious words to the young Vicomte.

"I am happy to know you, Monsieur le Vicomte," he said. "Iknew your father well when he was ambassador in London.""Ah, Monseigneur!" replied the Vicomte, "I was a leetle boy then. . .and now I owe the honour of this meeting to our protector, the Scarlet Pimpernel.""Hush!" said the Prince, earnestly and quickly, as he indicated Chauvelin, who had stood a little on one side throughout the whole of this little scene, watching Marguerite and the Comtesse with an amused, sarcastic little smile around his thin lips.