书城公版The Scarlet Pimpernel


The two young men listened, whilst the heavy tread of Mr.

Jellyband was heard echoing along the passage and staircase.

Presently even that sound died out, and the whole of "The Fisherman's Rest" seemed wrapt in sleep, save the two young men drinking in silence beside the hearth.

For a while no sound was heard, even in the coffee-room, save the ticking of the old grandfather's clock and the crackling of the burning wood.

"All right again this time, Ffoulkes?" asked Lord Antony at last.

Sir Andrew had been dreaming evidently, gazing into the fire, and seeing therein, no doubt, a pretty, piquant face, with large brown eyes and a wealth of dark curls round a childish forehead.

"Yes!" he said, still musing, "all right!""No hitch?"


Lord Antony laughed pleasantly as he poured himself out another glass of wine.

"I need not ask, I suppose, whether you found the journey pleasant this time?""No, friend, you need not ask," replied Sir Andrew, gaily.

"It was all right."

"Then here's to her very good health," said jovial Lord Tony.