书城公版The Scarlet Pimpernel


"That I denounced the Marquis de St. Cyr, you mean, to the tribunal that ultimately sent him and all his family to the guillotine? Yes, he does know. . . . . I told him after I married him. . . .""You told him all the circumstances--which so completely exonerated you from any blame?""It was too late to talk of `circumstances'; he heard the story from other sources; my confession came too tardily, it seems. Icould no longer plead extenuating circumstances: I could not demean myself by trying to explain--""And?"

"And now I have the satisfaction, Armand, of knowing that the biggest fool in England has the most complete contempt for his wife."She spoke with vehement bitterness this time, and Armand St.

Just, who loved her so dearly, felt that he had placed a somewhat clumsy finger upon an aching wound.

"But Sir Percy loved you, Margot," he repeated gently.