书城公版A Collection of Ballads

第27章 Ballad:The Battle Of Killie-Crankie (Child,vol.vii

Clavers and his Highlandmen Came down upo'the raw,man,Who being stout,gave mony a clout;The lads began to claw then.

With sword and terge into their hand,Wi which they were nae slaw,man,Wi mony a fearful heavy sigh,The lads began to claw then.

O'er bush,o'er bank,o'er ditch,o'er stark,She flang amang them a',man;The butter-box got many knocks,Their riggings paid for a'then.

They got their paiks,wi sudden straiks,Which to their grief they saw,man:

Wi clinkum,clankum o'er their crowns,The lads began to fa'then.

Hur skipt about,hur leapt about,And flang amang them a',man;The English blades got broken beads,Their crowns were cleav'd in twa then.

The durk and door made their last hour,And prov'd their final fa',man;They thought the devil had been there,That play'd them sic a paw then.

The Solemn League and Covenant Came whigging up the hills,man;Thought Highland trews durst not refuse For to subscribe their bills then.

In Willie's name,they thought nag ane Durst stop their course at a',man,But hur-nane-sell,wi mony a knock,Cry'd,"Furich-Whigs awa',"man.

Sir Evan Du,and his men true,Came linking up the brink,man;The Hogan Dutch they feared such,They bred a horrid stink then.

The true Maclean and his fierce men Came in amang them a',man;Nane durst withstand his heavy hand.

All fled and ran awa'then.

OH'ON A RI,OH'ON A RI,Why should she lose King Shames,man?

OH'RIG IN DI,OH'RIG IN DI,She shall break a'her banes then;With FURICHINISH,an'stay a while,And speak a word or twa,man,She's gi'a straike,out o'er the neck,Before ye win awa'then.

Oh fy for shame,ye're three for ane,Hur-nane-sell's won the day,man;King Shames'red-coats should be hung up,Because they ran awa'then.

Had bent their brows,like Highland trows,And made as lang a stay,man,They'd sav'd their king,that sacred thing,And Willie'd ran awa'then.