

Hold on now! You can't be silly about this thing! Good ideas like Dr.Coué's have lost their value to many people because they have seen others going overboard,You can't kid yourself by giving lip service to "Every day,in every way,I am getting better and better," when you are doing nothing to change wrong mental attitudes or habits or practices which have brought on ill health.

You can't "hold the right thought" and expect to get anywhere if you are full of a hundred "wrong thoughts."

We all know of people who are continually talking about backaches,headaches,stomach aches or some other kind of aches.They harp on them and the first thing they know,with that reiteration,the aches become realities.If you have such an ache or pain,if you've determined that it is nothing serious,just a nerve or tension reaction of some sort,there is no point in talking about it; neither is there any point to talking about your worries,your troubles.All this does is to further annoy yourself,and others.They have worries and troubles of their own they want to talk about,and they are apt to resent your beating them to the punch.And it's some punch,too; when you don't feel right,it hits you smack in the solar plexus.You go around with that hang-dog,all-gone feeling and the more you repeat how lousy you feel,the more certain you are that you should keep within reach of an undertaker.Constant reflection on your ills will magnify them and cement them to you.

Get away from the negative side and become an affirmative type.Think affirmatively,and the first thing you know,your aches,worries and troubles will disappear.They can't continue to live off you if you refuse to give them nourishment.

"If thou art pained by any external thing,it is not this thing which disturbs thee,but thy own judgment about it.And it is in thy power to wipe out this judgment now.But if anything in thy own disposition gives thee pain,who hinders thee from correcting thy opinion?"

Philosophy of the Ages

The heating power of love

Scientists at Harvard,under the direction of Professor Pitirim A.Sorokin,are conducting a most unusual experiment.They are studying the power of love.They have already discovered that love has more power over disease than medicine.Right doses of this emotion can produce longer life,greater health and happiness,as well as peace of mind.Young and old are transformed when the love potion is taken.If you don't like somebody and have been burning yourself up hating him,start loving that person,and see what happens.You're apt to end up with a friend instead of an enemy,and a stomach free of ulcers.Most human beings never forget an insult,but they remember a kindness even longer.Since like attracts like,wouldn't you rather give out with love and kindness and get love and kindness back?

You've heard people say,"I'll get even with so-and-so if it takes the rest of my life!" Carrying such resentment around with them takes far more out of them than it does the person hated.

Everyone wants to be loved,even a dog; and everyone warms up to love,even a dog.You feel better when you love and are loved.Look at the dried-up men and women around you who are starved for love,if you think love isn't a mighty,creative,vital force! Several scientists have tried loving some plants and hating others,and the plants that were nourished with love have thrived while the plants poisoned by hate,but given the same mechanical care and watering,have been undersized or have even shriveled up and died!

There's an old saying,"You can love a person to death"; but I'll take my chances any day on love against hate.Get the hate out of your life if you wish to attain and retain good health!

Your mind can heal you

There is a creative power in mind which,properly directed,can heal you.I have used this power to heal different physical disturbances which have developed in me through wrong thinking,and you can learn to use it,too.

One of my dear friends is Dr.Frederick Bailes,Director of the great Science of Mind Church in Los Angeles.He conducts a healing service each Sunday morning at the Fox-Wilshire Theatre,this includes a meditation period,which is worth crossing the country to experience.A capacity audience of twenty-five hundred people sit in absolute silence,calling upon this God-given creative power,"that something" within them.Each pictures whatever physical condition needs correction,in themselves or others,as restored to normal.Results always border on the astounding,and this is so because Dr.Bailes is a man who has practiced what he preaches.He has healed himself and he knows how to help others heal themselves.For this reason,I have asked Dr.Bailes to tell you of his own healing so that you can apply this same method to your specific needs.Here it is:

"In 1915 I was completing my training in London Missionary School of Medicine,connected with London Homeopathic Hospital,preparatory to going to Bolivia as a medical missionary.One month before graduation,I became ill; laboratory tests confirmed the diagnosis of diabetes,which was invariably fatal,especially in a younger person.The best physicians in Harley Street gave me a year or two to live.

"At this time I was steeped in the medical tradition,and would have used medical methods of treatment,but since this was five years before Banting's work with insulin,there was no medicinal drug which had any effect upon this condition.