

Every way you can express what you desire,in writing,in voice,in pictures,helps vitalize the creative power within and keeps your thoughts magnetized on the target.

Some men and women keep a large envelope labeled,"My Heart's Desires," in which they keep written statements of what they want,of changes they wish to make in their lives,economically,personally,physically,mentally,spiritually.They put aside certain times during the day or evening when they get off by themselves and reread and reflect upon the different written expressions of heartfelt desires.They also check each one,and take inventory to see if they have made progress toward their respective goals.When they reach a certain objective they mark the case "closed" and write on the card an expression of their thanks to the God Power within for helping them realize their dream.Then they go on to something else,constantly unfolding and developing.It is an endless,glorious,satisfying process!

If you are just starting,you will need to remake your thinking,eliminating many wrong thoughts and emotional reactions which are already in consciousness.To do this,it will be helpful for you to write down what you now realize should be your right attitude toward others,toward money,business,any and everything of importance that you have to deal with in your everyday life.

Marjorie Mayes,a dynamically successful business- woman in San Francisco,attributes much of her success and the wide circle of devoted friends whom she enjoys,to the written word.She has defined her attitude toward "business," toward the earning and meaning of money.She rereads this statement,"The Know in Business,"every day as a formula to live by.Then she listens for "the voice within" to direct her life.

Marjorie Mayes has consented to let me share her inspired statement with you:


Pray at all times knowing Right prayers are answered....Anything that ever is,is forever God's....All that I am is God,and I am part of God...therefore nothing but Divine harmony is expressed in my life....I individualize God and have direct contact with Truth....My intuition is perfect,my Spiritual perception is perfect....I know God is my wisdom,my intelligence,so I am always directed to Right action at all times ...as God is the only Doer.God works through me,therefore,I am always working Rightly and there is no danger of any harm to anyone because of my negotiations....There is no waste of time for God's work is my work,therefore,my work is well and unselfishly done....My thoughts are clear,new,fresh and powerful results are felt in my work....My ever praying thoughts are the handiwork of God,powerful as the Eagle that flies over the universe with direction,in season,yet as gentle,humble and nonaggressive as the Dove...My prayers go forth in all my negotiations in the name of God and I,therefore,cannot close a single day empty-handed....My prayers are powerful and I know they will accomplish that which I accept as Right Action....I know every relation in life will be found to depend upon my ability to see God in action in my life and prayers....I am not dependent on man or conditions,I am dependent upon Substance,Spirit,therefore,I do not look to man or conditions but to the Infinite for direction.... I listen to my intuitions,which is accepting God....My eyes are fixed on appreciation of God's gifts and I do not place money apart from those gifts,therefore,money loves being in my purse because I spend with God's wisdom....I receive money through Right Action in all my deals.... I do not bargain with God....I do not tell God how money must come to me ...I just negotiate,listening to my own intuitions,knowing that it is done unto us as we believe.

Marjorie Mayes

This is a magnificent statement of one person's mental and spiritual attitude toward life—toward others,toward business,toward money ...and this statement can be yours!

Make a copy of it and read and reread it ...take it into your consciousness ...make it a part of you.Write it down—speak it—listen to yourself say it ...believe it,live it through Right Action as applied to your own needs ...and,as Marjorie Mayes says,"it will be done unto you as you believe!"

Think of pictures you have seen,paintings,photographs,landscapes—pictures of people doing things—activities of various kinds.How many of these pictures do you remember?How many stand out in memory—and why?I'll tell you.Because something in those you remember caught your personal interest and held it,you saw something of yourself and your doings in them,you felt a kinship for some feature in them,these pictures made such an impression on you that you never forgot them.In fact,these pictures and other pictures you have seen,and countless pictures you yourself have created in your imagination,are still making an impression on you in consciousness ...where everything you have ever seen or heard or experienced continues to exist in picture form!

The feelings associated with these pictures are also influencing you.In fact,it is your feeling reaction to whatever has happened to you that influences you most of all.How deeply you feel about anything you desire determines how intensely the creative power within magnetizes conditions around you and attracts what you wish to you.Obviously,if you deeply fear something may happen to you,it will cause this creative power to work just as magnetically to attract what you fear to you.

Write fear out of your life by writing down affirmations of courage and faith and self-assurance.You know and believe good things are going to happen.You are ruling all fear and worry thoughts out of consciousness.You realize,if you permit them to remain,that they can only attract unhappy conditions.