

The tempo of life and developments is increasing at a rapid rate.Things are unfolding almost too fast for the mind of man to grasp.More and more earth-shaking developments are on the way.Much that was considered impossible a few years ago has already been accomplished.Anything may happen from now on—and probably will!

You must train yourself to be mentally alert,to maintain an open mind,to make contact with your creative power within,so you can adapt yourself to the changes that are coming; so you will have the insight,the understanding and the courage to meet them.

You must learn how to perceive the truth—to accept what appeals to your past experience,your reason and your intuition—and to reserve judgment on all things with which you are unfamiliar,until you can prove them out or test them in your own life.

It is not enough for you to learn the laws of mind.You must learn how to use your mind in accordance with these laws.

You've heard the old,old adage: "Faith without works is dead." You must work with yourself if you would develop the creative power within,so it can do what it has done and is doing for others.

The fortunate men and women of the world are those who know how to visualize,how to eliminate their fears and worries,how to remain inwardly calm and poised,no matter what the circumstances,how to assume a positive mental attitude,and how to retain emotional stability under pressure.

This should be your great goal in life,to realize a like attainment.It will be your only guidance and protection in this fast-moving world of today.

Abandon all limited thinking!

Prepare your mind now by putting aside all narrow and limited thinking.Never say again that anything is impossible,no matter how impossible it may seem at the moment.Don't restrict and shackle your mind by small and prejudiced thinking.Free your consciousness of feelings of resentment,antagonism,hate and like emotional reactions toward others.This kind of thoughts is keeping you from thinking straight,from getting the right perspective toward others and yourself.They are holding you back from progress,preventing your creative power from working through you.

You can overcome the effects that wrong thinking has had upon you.But to do this,you must gain emotional control; you must learn how to relax your physical body,how to make your conscious mind passive,and how to place the right pictures of what you desire in mind.You must learn how to release the hold that past mistakes,now stored in consciousness,have upon you.

Since like attracts like(tap,tap,tap—I'm repeating this again!),good attracts good and bad attracts bad.It's as simple as that,but you can't straighten yourself out,without facing your past.

Men and women say to me,"But I'm trying to forget my past!"

Alas,the mind doesn't operate that way.What it takes into consciousness,it hangs onto,unless you,through an act of recognition,resolution and will,change the picture—or let go of it!

How often do you let yourself be upset about something someone does or says? You store the picture of each incident and feeling in mind.

When you think of this person,you call up the same feelings against him,until you have overcome them.If you don't change them,they exist as irritations in consciousness.Irritations eventually find their reflection in some disturbed body condition or illness,or an unhappy human experience.

Do you want to permit these past irritations to attract similar disturbances in your future? Then get busy and eliminate them from your consciousness.

Stop kidding yourself!

You will have to do your own analyzing.You know yourself better than any close friend or relative can ever know you.You may have been able to mask your real feelings and thoughts from others; but you can tell,deep down within,what you really think and feel about anything or anybody.If these thoughts and feelings are not good,get busy and make them good!

Forgive others for what they've done to you.Assume your share of the blame.Don't hold resentments or grudges or hates.They are poisoning your mind and your body,upsetting the chemistry of your physical organism,making you susceptible to all manner of possible diseases and illnesses.Doctors now attribute such afflictions as arthritis,rheumatism,shingles,some forms of epilepsy and many other illnesses to nervous and emotional disturbances.It has even been found that many who have cancer can retard its progress if they can control their emotions and maintain an optimistic,fearless attitude toward it.

"That something" in mind has unlimited power—to overcome,to heal,to create,to attract—once you learn how to use it.

The development of this power is up to you.Are you willing to put forth the effort? If you are,go with me,from chapter to chapter,studying and applying ...studying and applying ...and when we reach the end of this journey together—you will have the answer to your problems,and will be on your successful,happy way—alone.