

"You may be wondering,at this very moment,whether there is any real way out of the difficulties which surround you.And,if you are,my answer to you is: Don't lose hope! There is a way to solve your problems—to relieve the conditions which may now be pressing in upon you; a way that will enable you to achieve the things in life which mean most to you…"

Mattern picked up interest.His thoughts of suicide began to recede into the background of his mind.What was this way? How could he ever pull himself out of the tailspin he was in?

There it was,in plain black and white:

"You must develop the ability to picture clearly in your mind whatever success you desire."

Remember,I've told you that this message isn't new to develop a chemical formula for cleaning and preserving leather upholstered furniture.He had mixed different ingredients together and had come close to a satisfactory solution,but had finally given up the project.Perhaps,if he renewed his efforts in this direction…!

Then—wham—it happened.Out of the blue,straight from his subconscious,as though handed him on a platter,came the formula he had been seeking! The instant he received it,he knew it would work! This was it!

At two o'clock in the morning,H.C.Mattern shelved all plans for leaving this world! Instead,he began making plans for getting hold of the necessary chemicals as soon as the stores opened later in the day,for preparing the solution and finding a buyer for his services in cleaning and preserving leather upholstered furniture!

All doubts were gone and new faith in himself and God had been born.There was a key to happiness and he had found it!

Mattern knew in that moment that this formula had been prepared for him by "that something," the creative power within,in answer to his previous desires and efforts.The only mistake he had made was giving up too soon.But this formula,once created,had been held for him,in his subconscious.

Later in the morning,a new and vitalized Mattern visited the nearest hardware store and talked the owner into extending him some eight dollars' worth of credit so he could obtain the ingredients he needed to mix the formula.He hurried back to his room on which he owed the seven weeks' rent,and put the chemicals together.Then he sat down to let the power within tell him where to go to sell his product and himself.

The name W.& J.Sloane,a big Fifth Avenue furniture store,came to mind.This company obviously had an extensive leather upholstered furniture department.Mattern phoned and got the man in charge on the wire.He said: "I'm H.C.Mattern.I've developed a solution for cleaning and preserving all leather goods,especially leather furniture.I'd like to come up and demonstrate it for you."

"Come ahead," the executive invited.“If you've got something like that,we could certainly use it!"

When Mattern arrived with his solution,he was escorted to a storeroom and shown a leather upholstered divan in a sad state of disrepair.The leather was dried and cracked and soiled.It looked like a hopeless job,and the severest kind of a test for this chemical formula.But Mattern accepted the challenge.After one hour of hard,hard work,he called the executive back to look at the result.What that executive saw caused him to gasp in amazement,in utter disbelief.