222.Mieko had been all in tears before she could finish the three letters,with her tears rolling down and wetting the paper.As she cried and wept,people in the company of her could not help shedding tears,too.It was turning dark now,there were only pairs of eyes shining in tears.
223.Having wiped her tears,Mieko put the letters that Kyuutarou wrote to her and their son into the small album which her mother had presented to her,and Xeroxed three copies of the letter that was written to Jiu Yueshuang.For the latter,she posted the first copy to the Hucheng government in hei Longjiang,China,the second to the census office of hei Longjiang,China(from news report she got to know that the reformed China was conducting census),and the third to the Chinese embassy in Japan,respectively with an envelope enclosed.In these letters,she asked them to help once again looking for their family Jiu Yueshuang.
224.At the same time,she respectively telephoned Kyuutarou's teacher Hirajima Issen,a famous law professor and her father's good friend Irving,a famous lawyer in Switzerland,pleaded them to organize a group of counselors to defend for Kyuutarou.After she finished all these,it had been very late.Urged by the people,Mieko reluctantly returned to the hospital.
225.But she did not fall asleep that night.Back in the hospital,she made up her mind secretly she would share the fate of her husband and followed him no matter whatever would happen.She wrote and phoned every day in the hospital,seeking for sympathy and support from all aspects.
226.The next day,news came from the court,and it said that the trial would be opened in Osaka on the case that Kyuutarou and his men attacked American garrison,which the case had been heavily reported by media before it was tried and thus stroke both the Japanese government and the people,and that the Asahi,one of the most important medium in Japan,would take the lead to keep a keen eye on the whole event and report its every detail.As soon as this news was released,the case had immediately caught the wide attention of the Japanese people.Some social groups organized processions and demonstrations in the streets,protesting the violence of American troops and supporting Kyuutarou and his men.Some riots even happened in some cities.
227.The day when the case began to be tried,the court was crowded with a thousand people,including relatives and reports.On the road opposite the court were throngs demonstrating.Beyond the warning lines,they held banners,on which were slogans "Condemn any punishment for good people","American troops get out of Japan" and so on.They shouted slogans at the top of their voices to protest the trial on the case of Kyuutarou and his men.
228.With a bang of the gavel of a presiding judge,bailiffs escorted Kyuutarou and his 16 group members to the dock in sequence.
229.Kyuutarou stood there,raising his head slightly.He threw a glance at the public gallery with his squinted eyes.Suddenly he found Mieko in the crowd.She wore a piece of pink silk flower in her hair.In the light she appeared somewhat fatigued,maybe she had not had a good sleep last night.Around her were sitting some of her friends and Kyuutarou's colleagues.Kyuutarou nodded at them,as if he was telling them he was just fine,and also asking Mieko whether she was alright or not.Immediately,Mieko's tears burst out of her eyes,and nodded at Kyuutarou successively for several times.Her throat was choked,as if she wanted to say something to him.
230."Bang!" another sound of the gavel was heard.The presiding judge announced loudly,"Now the court begins its session.All stand up." And then,a bailiff declared disciplines in the court,also in a loud voice,including no disturbing the trial,no loud clamor,and so on.
231.As the judge ordered to stand up,Mieko tried hard to raise her up,with her one hand seizing the handle of the chair,and the hand lifting her belly which could not be bigger anymore.Although helped by two friends,she still felt some qualm because of the sudden movement.
232.At the voice of the judge who announced "sit down",she fell back heavily to her chair.About to faint,she seemed to have heard a prosecutor reading the bill of indictment,"Kyuutarou Hibachi,male,28,a native of Hiroshima.As early as 18 years ago,that is,the summer of 1956,this suspect began to organize criminal gangs..." The reading of the bill of indictment was interrupted by the voices from the public gallery.
233.The presiding judge struck his gavel,trying to stop the voices."Silence!Order!Silence!Order!"
234.The court was slightly quiet,and the procurator continued his reading: "...led by Kyuutarou Hibachi,the members of this group..."
235.Out of sudden,thundering shouts were heard out of the window."American troops out of Okinawa!" "No trial against anti-American people!" "No unreasonable trial!"
236.The prosecutor reading the bill of indictment was interrupted again; bailiffs hurried to close the windows facing the street; the relatives of the defendants in the public gallery stood up in succession to condemn this trial.The whole court was in a mess.The trial could not continue anymore.
237.The presiding judge lowered his head to converse with other judges,and then he banged the gavel once again,announcing loudly,"Now the court is adjourned.This is the end for today's trial.The inquisition will continue another day.Now take the suspects to the custody."
238.Kyuutarou and the other 16 suspects were respectively escorted into four armed police cars,which sounded their sirens making their way slowly through the protesting crowds.
239?荩When Mieko walked out of the court along the throng,the police cars had been afar.She saw a NIK helicopter following the cars to shoot the whole field scene,like a hawk hovering over its prey.