
第46章 核!合!和!(32)

70.The meeting was conducted for really a long time.It didn’t come to an end until 13 o’clock p.m.After the meeting,Cai told Huode,his nephew and Huang Duode to stay and said to them seriously,"For years,you two are most outstanding youth that Huang and I watch growing up.Now you are in charge of the sand and sticks providing for our home construction.This is the credit from all the villagers.However,for this,you two can’t go to your business of meat sales to earn your money.Money is good thing,isn’t it?You two have been following Manfu and me for so many years that you have learned to be very smart and made so much money.Now you have to stop your business,which is at a great substantial loss: tens of thousand yuan!Alas,not only you lose the money but also you sacrifice your tyres,shed your skins,exhaust your sweats and yet your sacrifices gain the grudges,misunderstandings,gossips and insults.Therefore,why you two are told to remain here is that I’d like to tell you will sacrifice a lot for the mission.But listen,you two,if your assignment is done well,you will gain the gratitude of all the villagers and be honored by your descendants for your great deed against 2008 great disaster.Do you understand,sons?"Don’t worry,master.Your words will sure be clear in our heads,keep it and do it well!" declared both Huode and Duode.In the mean time,an old lady was running up toward them and cried,"Village head,village head." It was Mrs Li,a "five guarantees" family member.Cai hurried to carry her,saying,"What’s the matter,Mrs.Li?Don’t hurry.Take time!Take time!" Running too fast,Mrs.Li gasped out,"Danian,look,both my partner and I are 71.As the old saying goes,the soil has buried us up to the nose—— we are dying.Now I am looking for you just in order to tell you that my house needn’t to be rebuilt as two-storey style like the Old Fans,the disabled family who have sons and daughters after all." Not allowing Mrs.Li continue,Cai interrupted her and pretended to be irritated,"Oh,what are you talking about?Whatever death?No,don’t talk about that!Nowadays your living condition is so good that you can have a long time to live.Go and tell Mr.Li that Manfu and I have already been committed to build your new house this year even if the others will not.Even if you have only a last breath,we will move you into new house even by carrying you on the back." Mrs.Li was excited with tears and chocked,"Buddy,my buddy —— Thank you..." Just then there came Xiuxiu’s cry,"Mrs.Li,Mrs.Li..." She was looking for Mrs.Li and came up to them.Seeing Cai together with Huode and Duode,Xiuxiu greeted,"Hello,father.Hello,Huode and Duode." Then Huode asked,"My sister-in-law,what would you like Mrs.Li to do?Could you please tell us?" Xiuxiu smiled,"Sure,It isn’t private affair.You know that Caixia declared his challenge in pubic just now,saying the women should have a contest in the home reconstruction.In what field do we contend?I thought it over and I found that each family would have his own family members to rebuild houses except for the Lis and the Fans.Thus I am looking for Mrs.Li to get her agreement.If she agrees,I will take on the reconstruction of her house and have a contest against Caixia." Hastily,Huode cut her speech,stammering,"Women—— women group also intended to participate in the construction contest?Women can build the houses,which I have never heard.Now Duode and I simply manage the material provisions.How can you and Caixia head the workers to build houses?As the old saying goes,despite a mouse has a big mouth,he can’t eat a string of sausage at one setting; despite a woman has a big belly,she can’t conceive a pony." "As you say,only your wife conceives pony,mule or whatever." replied Xiuxiu irately and then continued,"In the past years,we have actually built a lot such as chicken house,pig house,and something like that.Isn’t it digging,mixing and pasting?It’s the same old game.Even if we have difficulties,we can turn to Caixia’s husband,engineer Huang working for the city construction bureau.Do you agree with me,Mrs.Li?" Listening to Xiuxiu,aunt Li are extremely delighted.When she was asked,she was glad to respond,"Ok,ok,ok." and turned to Huode,"Don’t look down upon women.Let’s contrast you with Xiuxiu: she has advantage over you in terms of education background —— she graduated from a normal college but your education stopped in the primary school.In building field,you still can’t do what she does.",hastily Huode cut in,"In the old days,I couldn’t afford ..." "You couldn’t,you couldn’t work hard." Mrs.Li stopped him.She proceeded,"Xiuxiu and Caixia are leaders of the girls,newly-married women who are hard to cope with but they can manage well and you are only the senior apprentice of Cai Danian.I believe them,so my house construction is given to them now." With their claps,Xiuxiu cried,"I will go to Caixia" and then ran away.