[4] For one who, like myself, has lived for years among the Moslems, the 5 daily ritual prayers all performed while turned towards Mecca, this description of the French taking of the oath, has something familiar in it. (SR.)[5] Michelet, "Histoire de la Révolution Fran?aise," II, 470, 474.
[6] De Ferrières, II. 91. - Albert Babeau, I. 340. (Letter addressed to the Chevalier de Poterat, July 18, 1790.) - De Dampmartin, "Evénements qui se sont passés sous mes yeux,"etc., 155.
[7] One may imagine the impression Taine's description made upon the thousands of political science students and others in the years after this book was printed and widely sold all over Europe. (SR.)[8] Sauzay, I. 202.
[9] Albert Babeau, ib. I, 339 - De Ferrières, II, 92.
[10] "Archives Nationales," H. 1453, Correspondence of M. de Bercheney, May 23, 1790.
[11] "Archives Nationales," ibid, May 13, 1790. "M. de la Rifaudière was dragged from his carriage and brought to the guard-house, which was immediately filled with people, shouting, 'To the lamp post, the aristocrat!' - The fact is this: after his having repeatedly shouted Vive le Roi et la Nation! They wanted him to shout Vive la Nation! alone, upon which he gave Vive la Nation tant qu'elle pourra." - At Blois, on the day of the Federation, a mob promenades the streets with a wooden head covered with a wig, and a placard stating that the aristocrats must be decapitated.
[12] Might Freud ( 1856- 1939) have been inspired, directly or indirectly, by Taine's observation? 'La Révolution' vol. I, was published in 1877 when Freud was 21 years old!! (SR.)[13] Mercure de France, the articles by Mallet du Pan (June 18th and August 16, 1791; April 14, 1792).
[14] Moniteur, IV. 560. (sitting of June 5, 1790) report of M.
Freteau. "These facts are attested by fifty witnesses." - Cf.
The number of April 19, 1791.
[15] Solon was a famous legislator who reformed Athens some 2500years ago. (SR.)[16] "Archives Nationales," KK, 1105, Correspondence of M. de Thiard, military commandant in Brittany (September, 1789), "There are in every petty village three conflicting powers, the présidial, the bourgeois militia, and the permanent committee. Each is anxious to outrank the other, and, on this occasion, a scene happened to come under my eyes at Landivisiau which might have had a bloody termination, but which turned out to be simply ridiculous. A lively dispute arose between three speakers to determine which should make the first address. They appealed to me to decide. Not to offend either of the parties, I decided that all three should speak at the same time; which decision was immediately carried out.
[17] Decree of August 10-14, 1789.
[18] "Archives Nationales," KK, 1105. Correspondence of M. de Thiard, September 21, 1789. "The troops now obey the municipalities only." -- Also July 30th, August 11, 1790.
[19] "Archives Nationales," KK, 1105. Correspondence of 31. M. de Thiard, September 11 and 25, November 20, December 25 and 30, 1789.
[20] Buchez and Roux, V.304 (April, 1790). - "Archives Nationales,"Papers of the committee of Investigation, DXXIX. I (note of M.
Latour-du-Pin, October 28, 1789) - ? Buchez and Roux, IV. 3(December 1, 1789); IV. 390 (February, 1790); VI. 179 (April and May, 1790).
[21] Mercure de France, Report of M. Emery, sitting of July 21, 1790, Number for July 32. -- "Archives Nationales," F7, 3200.
Letter of the directory of Calvados, September 26 and October 20, 1791.
[22] "Archives Nationales," F7, 3207. Letter of the minister Dumouriez, June 15, 1792. Report of M. Caillard, May 29, 1792.
[23] Mercure de France, No. for July, 1791 (sitting of the 6th);Nos. for November 5 and 26, 1791.
[24] Albert Babeau, "Histoire de Troyes," vol. I. passim. -- "Archives Nationales," F7, 3257. Address of the Directory of Sa?ne-et-Loire to the National Assembly, November 1, 1790. -- F7, 3200.
Letter of the Directory of Calvados, November 9, 1791. -- F 7, 3195. Minutes of the meeting of the municipality of Aix, March 1, 1792 (on the events of February 26th); letter of M. Villard, President of the Directory, March 20, 1792. -- F7, 3220. Extracts from the deliberations of the Directory of Gers, and a letter to the King, January 28, 1792. Letter of M. Lafitau, President of the Directory, January 30. (He was dragged along by his hair and obliged to leave the town.)[25] Mercure de France, No. for October 30, 1790.
[26] "Archives Nationales," F7, 3226. Letter of the directory of Indre to M. Cahier, minister, December 6, 1791. -- Letter of M.
Delessart, minister, to the directory of Indre, December 31, 1791.
[27] Fabre, "Histoire de Marseille," II. 442. Martin had but 3,555votes, when shortly after the National Guard numbered 24,000 men.
[28] "Archives Nationales," F7, 3196. Letter of the minister, M.
de Saint-Priest, to the President of the National Assembly, May 11, 1790.
[29] "Archives Nationales," F7 3196. Letters of the military commandant, M. de Miran, March 6, 14, 30, 1790.
[30] "Archives Nationales," F7, 3196. Letter of M. de Bournissac, grand-privot, March 6,1790.