[84] To facilitate his or her comprehension the reader might replace the word Jacobin with the expression Socialist, Marxist, national-socialist or Communist since they are all heirs to the heritage left by the French Revolutionaries. (SR.)[85] IIIrd Republique lasted from 14-9-1870 until 13-7-1940. (SR.)[86] Instruction is good, not in itself, but through the good it does, and especially to those who possess or acquire it. If, simply by raising his finger, a man could enable every French man or woman to read Virgil readily and demonstrate Newton's binomial theory, this man would be dangerous and ought to have his hands tied; for, should he inadvertently raise his finger, manual labor would be repugnant and, in a year or two, become almost impossible in France.
[87] And so it happened. After the second world war, when international Marxism became installed its agents throughout the Western world, compulsory, unified education was pushed from the age of 14 to 16 and a majority of young remained in school till after their 18th birthday , an education which successfully made them believe that the attitudes and values they were taught were the only valid ones. (SR.)[88] Liard, " Universités et Facultés," p. 39 and following pages. -" Rapport sur la statistique comparée de l'instruction," vol. II.
(1888). - "Exposition universelle de 1889" ("Rapport du jury," groupe II., part I., p.492.)[89] In 1994 there were in France 1389 public and 841 private lycées (SR.)[90] Liard, ibid., p. 77.
[91] Also called the preparatory classes, the so-called math-sup and math-spe of the preparatory schools attached to the state lycées and attended by selected 18-20 year-old students. (SR.)[92] These figures were obtained in the bureaux of the direction of primary instruction. - The sum-total of 582,000,000 francs is composed of 241,000,000, furnished directly by the State, 28,000,000 furnished by the departments, and 312,000, 000 furnished by the communes. The communes and departments being, in France, appendices of the State, subscribe only with its permission and under its impulsion. Hence the three contributions furnish only one. - Cf. Turlin, "Organisation financière et budget de l'Instruction primaire," p. 61. (In this study, the accounts are otherwise made up. Certain expenses being provided for by annuities are carried into the annual expenditure:)"From June 1, 1878, to Dec. 31, 1887, expenses of first installation, 528 millions; ordinary expenses in 1887, 173 millions."[93] Law of June 16, 1881 (on gratuitous education).
[94] Law of March 28, 1882 (on obligatory education).
[95] National temperament must here be taken into consideration as well as social outlets. Instruction out of proportion with and superior to condition works differently with different nations. For the German adult it is rather soothing and a derivative; with the adult Frenchman it is especially an irritant or even an explosive.
[96] It might be interesting to note what Mark Twain wrote on India education about the same period when Taine wrote this text:
""apparently, then, the colleges of India were doing what our high schools have long been doing - richly over-supplying the market for highly educated service; and thereby doing a damage to the scholar, and through him to the country.