
第28章 中国武术Chinese Martial Arts(3)

f. Practice helps the metabolism of fat and protein as well as the change of calcium and phosphorus in non-organic salts.


10.练太极拳的基本要求是什么? What are the basic requirements for Taijiquan practice?

Exercisers should bear the following points in mind:

a. Keep the head and neck roughly perpendicular with the floor, as if suspended by a piece of thread.

b. The mouth is slightly opened or barely closed. Grit the teeth gently, not tightly. The tongue rests on the upper palate, or the tip of the tongue touches it. Swallow saliva when necessary.

c. The eyes look shut, but, in fact, they are not. They always follow the dominant moving hand.

d. Don’t throw out the chest or hunch the back. Bend both shoulders slightly inward to make the chest relax and extend the back naturally.

e. Relax both shoulders. Keep elbows loose and suspended. When you push your hand, protrude the palm slightly and extend fingers with the finger-joints slightly bent. When you draw your hand back, flex the wrist and fingers slightly.

f. Footwork should bear a close resemblance to the walking movement of a cat, or a lotus broken, but its fibers still joined.

g. Generally inhale in unison with the movements of standing up, bending the arms or lifting the legs. Exhale in

unison with the movements of squatting, extending the arms, dropping a foot or ending each form.

h. Exercise should be done in a quite and flat place where the air is fresh, preferably early in the morning or late in the evening.

As a Chinese proverb goes,“Small gains in 100 days, and big gains in 1,000 days!”Persist in Taijiquan practice if you want to get the maximum benefit from it.



What are the main points of wushu ethics?

In ancient China, human beings were regarded as the most valuable treasure of nature. Man is respected as one of“The Four Greats,”together with Heaven, Earth and Truth (Natural Law). Those who respect human life will love life and understand wushu. Moral principles provide the basis for maintaining a stable relationship between man and man, as well as man and society. The following are the main points of wushu ethics that students of wushu must follow.

a. They shall respect these principles and never do anything harmful to Chinese cultural traditions.

b. They must cultivate a sense of justice, diligence, persistence, honesty and hard work.

c. They must try to master everything that is taught, and both teacher and student must take care of each other and treasure their mutual friendship.

d. They should keep improving their skills and refrain from being arrogant and imperious or showing off their wushu skill while belittling others. Everyone should learn from one another to improve and be united and cooperative with one another.

e. Their practice aims at self-defense and the improvement of one’s physical conditions. They should not bully the weak or contend with anyone out of personal grudge. No bullying of the innocent is allowed, but it is encouraged to take up the cudgels to uphold justice and truth.

f. The practice of wushu is a hard task; it takes time and requires arduous effort. Thus, steadiness and persistence are required. One must try to fully understand the essentials and inner meaning of each routine.

