
第56章 口语(28)


触 类 旁 通

I plan to order some things online.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Shopping Online

Jane: Hi, Tina! Would you please show me around the online store

Tina: Of course. Usually you need to log into a website and registerto gain a legal affiliate. Be sure to be careful when you fill in theform with your personal information.

Jane: I see. What should I do next

Tina: Browse through and put the goods you chose into your shoppingcart. Then click “go to shopping cart” link to place the order.

Jane: Things are chosen, what shall I do next

Tina: Click “go to the cart and place the order” to confirm your order.

Jane: What about the delivery

Tina: The goods will be sent to your door in a few days.

Jane: Then what should I care about while shopping online

Tina: Choose the website of high credit and be careful to present yourpersonal information.

Jane: Then how should I pay

Tina: You pay on arrival.

Jane: Tina, you said it. The virtual world is surely changing our way ofshopping.

Tina: Yes. This is the most popular way shopping right now.



蒂娜: 当然了。一般情况下,你要登陆网上,注册取得合法会员身份。



蒂娜: 选择你要的东西,把它加到购物车里。然后点“去购物车”,链接到下订单的地方。











经 典 释 疑

This is the most popular way of shopping right now. 这是现在最流行的够物方式。the most popular 是形容词popular 的最高级形式。popular 是一个多音节的形容词,多音节形容词的最高级形式不是在其后面加est, 而是在其前面加most。例如:interesting-most interesting。popular最常用的词组是be popular with: 受……欢迎。例如:This magazine isvery popular with young people. 这本杂志很受年轻人欢迎。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Can you show me how to order a book online 你能教我怎么上网订购书吗?

2. Can we get anything we need through the Internet 能在网上买到我们所需要的任何物品吗?

3. Do you like shopping online 你喜欢网上购物吗?

4. You can buy them from online bookstores. 你可以从网上书店买到这些书。

5. You are experienced in shopping online, but can you tell me what Ishould care about 网上购物你很有经验,可不可以告诉我一般应注意哪些问题?

6. Is it likely that I will come across a hacker when shopping 购物时会不会遇到黑客呀?

7. Why dont you go shopping online 为什么不在网上购物?

8. Shopping online must be very convenient and fast. 网上购物既方便又快捷。

9. In fact, just as its name implies, shopping online is to buy things in theE-supermarket. 其实,网上购物顾名思义就是到网上超市去买东西。

10. What about the goods on the Internet Can the quality be guaranteed


11. How about returns in case Im not satisfied with the product 如果我对商品不满意可以退货吗?

12. Is it safe to pay online 在网上付款安全吗?

13. Does shopping online have the same steps as shopping in thesupermarket 网上购物与超市购物过程一样吗?

14. Im always concerned about the quality of the product when you cantsee or feel it. 网上商品看不见也摸不到,我担心其质量。

6 Are you good at photography


触 类 旁 通

Can you take good pictures


超 级 情 景 会 话


Cathy: Congratulations, Green! Youve won the Photographic Prize for this year.

Green: Wonderful! Im really happy.

Cathy: Well, your pictures are very good. How long have you been a photographer

Green: Not very long, about three years.

Cathy: You are really good at that.

Green: Yeah. Thats the one thing I really enjoy.

Cathy: Whats the most exciting photographic job youve ever worked on

Green: Oh, definitely the visit of Hawaii! I took hundreds of pictures.

Cathy: Really Could I see them

Green: Hold on a second. They are right here.

Cathy: Wow! These are gorgeous. They came out really well.

Green: Thanks.














经 典 释 疑

They came out really well. 照片都照得很好。

come out: 很上相。除了“很上相”以外,come out 有很多意思。

(1) 太阳、星星升起可用come out,例如:The sun is coming out.

(2) 花儿绽放也可以用come out,例如:The flowers are coming out finally.

(3) 消息传出来可以用come out,例如:The news came out.

(4) 事实真相也总有一天会“大白天下”,例如:The truth ever comes out.

(5) 如果Your new book came out. 那就说明你的新书“出版”了。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Hes been taking photographs for many years. 他从事摄影许多年了。

2. Photography is the one thing I really enjoy. 我对摄影真是乐此不疲。

3. Its a good picture. 这张照片照得不错。

4. May I take pictures here 我能在这里照相吗?

5. Press the shutter. 按快门。

6. You are very photogenic. 你非常上相。

7. Is this really you in the picture 这张相片里的真是你吗?

8. How do you like your new digital camera 你喜欢你的新数码相机吗?

9. Why dont you get this picture enlarged 你为什么不放大这张照片?

10. Where did you get the picture frames 你在哪儿买的相框?

7 Who knows which candidate will make it to the final


触 类 旁 通

Who knows which candidate will be the winner


超 级 情 景 会 话

Audition Show

Grace: Did you watch the finale last night My favorite singer won!

Oliver: Oh, I love him too. He not only sings well but shows perseverancewhen he encounters difficulties in the contest.

Grace: Yeah, he got booted after his initial performance in the audition,but he did not give up. He then tried at another two auditions.

Oliver: He had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chanceto advance in the contest. Fortunately, in the third audition, he haswon popularity among the audition. And thats when I started tonotice him.

Grace: Me too.

Oliver: Before he made the top three, I was so nervous. I just fear that hemight be knocked out.

Grace: Yeah, therere so many excellent candidates out there. Whoknows which one will make it to the final

Oliver: Absolutely. Thats why when he entered the finale, I was soexcited.

Grace: He really did a great job in the finale, especially in the PK round.

He performed so well that the majority of the audience cast theirvotes for him.

Oliver: And the host announced that he won it all!



Oliver: 我也很喜欢他。他不仅歌唱得好,比赛中遇到困难还不屈不挠。

Grace: 是呀,第一次海选时他被淘汰了,但他并没有放弃。之后他又参加了两次海选。

Oliver: 第三次海选时,他险些淘汰,但最终赢得晋级的机会。幸好,第三次海选过程中,他人气大增。我就是那时候开始注意他的。


