
第53章 口语(25)

Jean: No. I visited local stores and it was quite an adventure.

Kate: Did you bargain

Jean: Of course I did. In China, you need to know to bargain, especiallyin the markets or small shops.

Kate: But you dont even speak Chinese!

Jean: I can use my fingers! And I have my calculator to help me withconversion rates.

Kate: You are cut out for shopping!



吉恩: 是啊,我忍不住就是想买。这些东西太可爱了,太有异国情调了。










经 典 释 疑

You are cut out for shopping. 你天生会购物。cut out 的字面意思是“裁剪出”,所以cut out for…的字面意思是“为……裁出”。作为习惯表示法,此语常用来表示“天生适合……”或“具有……的才干或能力”。

例如:Some of my classmates seem to be cut out for learning foreignlanguages. 看来我们班的有些同学天生就适合学习外语。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Id like to buy some souvenirs for my friends. 我想给我的朋友买些纪念品。

2. Are they specialties of New York 它们是纽约的特产吗?

3. I bought a few trifles as souvenirs. 我买了些零碎的纪念品。

4. There are many souvenir shops nearby. 这附近有很多纪念品商店。

5. Could you please tell me where I can buy some souvenirs 你能不能告诉我在哪能买到纪念品?

6. Id like to buy some souvenirs. Can you give me some suggestions 我想买一些纪念品,你可以给我一些建议吗?

7. You can buy some souvenirs there. 在那儿您可以买一些纪念品。

8. Wed like to buy some souvenirs of our stay here. Its such a pleasant journey. 我们想买些纪念品来纪念这次愉快之旅。

9. He sent us a small rememberance of his visit. 他送给我们一件他观光的小纪念品。

10. May I present you a litter souvenir 请接受我们的一点小纪念品。

11. Im looking for a gift for my friends. 我要买个礼物送给我朋友。

12. Please wrap this for me. 请帮我把这个包起来。

地道口语 链 接

1. We went to the gift shop at the end of the tour. 旅行结束的时候我们去了礼品店。

2. Do you want a souvenir from my trip 我这次旅行你想要什么纪念品吗?

3. Are these souvenirs authentic 这些纪念品是真的吗?

4. Can you mail this souvenir to America for me 你能帮我把这些纪念品邮寄到美国吗?

5. Maybe I shall get some souvenirs for the folks back at the office. 也许我应该给办公室的同事带些纪念品。

6. Some shops there sell some very special American souvenirs. 那边的商店卖一些有美国特色的纪念品。

7. These souvenirs that I bought for my parents cost me much money. 给父母买的这些纪念品花了我很多钱。

8. I have to get some souvenirs for my friends.我得给朋友们买些纪念品。

6 Its really a tourist attraction.


触 类 旁 通

Its famous for tourism.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Traveling in Europe

Linda: I love European parks and gardens.

David: Greenwich Park is lovely, and the observatory is reallyinteresting. You can stand astride the Greenwich meridian 0 lineand have one foot in the Western Hemisphere and one foot in theEastern.

Linda: Thatll be fun. Must take a photo.

David: Look, everybody, have you noticed the Houses of Parliamentbehind us and Westminster Abbey

Linda: Yes, a most interesting place. All the kings and queens of Englandhave been crowned here.

David: Yes, except Edward V and Edward VIII.

Linda: And many famous men are buried there including kings andpoets.

David: Yes, indeed.

Linda: Oh, we must be approaching the heart of the city now. Theres theNat West Tower.

David: Yes, its the tallest building in the U.K. now.

Linda: Now we are just coming up to London Bridge. Next, werecoming to the Tower of London.

David: Oh, splendid. What a sight! I am in the seventh heaven!



戴维: 格林威治公园很可爱,天文台也真的很有趣。你可以横跨在格林威治子午线的零度线上,那样就一只脚在西半球,一只脚在东半球了。



琳达: 是的,一个使人非常感兴趣的地方。英国所有的国王和王后都在那里加冕。








经 典 释 疑

I am in the seventh heaven! 我太高兴了! the seventh heaven 原指“伊斯兰教中的第七个天堂”或“第七个极乐世界”,但be in the seventhheaven 现在常用来喻指“非常高兴”或“感到特别幸福”。例如:

We were all in the seventh heaven when we finally got to the top of themountains. 当我们终于登上了山顶时,别提我们有多高兴了。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Venice is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.威尼斯堪称世界上最美丽的城市之一。

2. London is one of the financial centers in the world. 伦敦是世界金融中


3. What do you think has impressed on you most in London 伦敦给你最深的印象是什么?

4. Venice locates at the crossing of east-west trade. 威尼斯地处东西贸易的交叉口。

5. Venice is one of Europes leading tourist spots. 威尼斯是欧洲一流的旅游胜地之一。

6. There are so many things that have left a deep impression on me. 许多东西都给我留下了深刻的印象。

7. Its not far from here to the Thames. 这儿离泰晤士运河不远。

8. What if we go to see Buckingham Palace first 我们先去看看白金汉宫怎么样?

9. Is there any place in particular youd like us to see 您觉得有什么地方可以让我们去游览的吗?

10. We are getting near to the Triumph Arch .我们马上就要到凯旋门了。

7 Its great to have a picnic during the trip.


触 类 旁 通

Its good to have a picnic during the trip.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Having a Picnic

Peter: Its so nice to have a picnic in such a lovely day.

Joan: Yes. Lets start right now. First of all we have to clean the grill.

Could you please take care of the grill while I go to collect somewood for starting a fire

Peter: OK. Leave it to me.

Joan: We have enough wood now. Lets start the fire and begin roastingthe chicken.

Peter: Good. Here are the chicken, and also oil, salt, and chili. Im goingto prepare the plates. Call me if you need my help.

Joan: Fine. I can handle it myself.

Peter: Oh, it smells delicious! I guess its done now Dont overcook thechicken.

Joan: It is still bloody inside. I should cook it through…OK! Come tohave a taste of this tender, juicy chicken.

Peter: My mouth is already watering. Oh, its fantastic!

Joan: Im glad you like it. Have you brought any drinks

Peter: Yes, there is beer and orange juice in the cooler.

Joan: Oh, and pickles too. Do you need some

Peter: No, thanks. This is good enough!



乔安: 是啊,我们现在就开始吧。首先得把烤架洗干净。你能去洗一下烤架吗?我去捡一些生火的柴。



彼得: 太好了。这里是鸡,还有油盐、辣椒。我去准备餐盘。需要帮忙的话叫我。



乔安: 鸡肉里面还血淋淋的呢,我该把它烤透一点……好啦!过来尝尝这个鲜嫩多汁的鸡肉吧。






经 典 释 疑

This is good enough. 这个已经够好了。
