
第32章 口语(4)

10. If youll excuse me for a second. Ill find out for you. 请稍候片刻。我给您检查一下。

10 I have no idea how I got so serious a cold. 我不知道我怎么得了重感冒的。

I dont know how I got so serious a cold.


超 级 情 景 会 话

Seeing a Doctor

Susan: Hello, Mr. Green. What can I do for you today

Green: Well, Ive got this pain in my ear, a sore throat and keep losingmy voice.

Susan: Do you think you have a cold

Green: Er, yes, yes, I do. Well, last night I got this throat and startedgetting hot.

Susan: Do you have a temperature Have you taken it

Green: Yes. Its thirty-nine.

Susan: Right. Let me have a little look. Open wide, Mmm. Lets havea look at this ear. Turn a little, will you Mmm, Mmm, Uhhuh.

Thats good. Right you are, Mr. Green.

Green: Thank you, doctor.

Susan: You are off home to bed for three days. By the way, take thisto the chemist. Take it three times a day after meals. Nothing toworry about. It will clear up quickly enough. All right then

Green: You always know where the shoe pinches. Thank you.





格林: 是,我想是的。嗯,我的喉咙从昨天晚上开始就不舒服,而且身上发烫。


格林:量了,体温39 摄氏度。

苏珊: 好的。让我检查一下。张大嘴,好的。我看一下你这只耳朵。



苏珊: 你这就回家卧床休息3 天。顺便拿这个药方去药店买药。一天服3 次,饭后服。不用着急,你很快就会康复的。就这样吧,好吗?再见。


经 典 释 疑

You always know where the shoe pinches. 你总是知道问题之所在。knowwhere the shoe pinches 的字面意思是“知道鞋哪儿夹脚”,常用来比喻“知道问题的症结所在”。例如: Lets make a deal. You give me moneyand Ill tell you where the shoe pinches. 咱们做笔交易。你出钱,我告诉你问题出在哪里。

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Whats the matter 哪里不舒服?

2. Ive got a splitting headache and I feel very exhausted. 我头疼欲裂,还觉得非常疲劳。

3. When did the pain start 什么时候开始痛的?

4. Let me take your temperature first. 让我先给你量量体温。

5. I feel nausea. 我感到很恶心。

6. Im afraid Ive got a temperature. 我恐怕发烧了。

7. The pains been keeping me awake. 这疼痛让我睡不着觉。

8. I just feel all pooped. 我只觉得筋疲力尽。

9. Have you ever had this experience before 以前曾经有过这种情况吗?

10. I feel hot and cold. 我觉得一阵冷一阵热。

11 Regular exercise makes me feel more energized.


Regular exercise can make us keep healthy.


超 级 情 景 会 话


Jerry: Hi, Betty. Are you free this afternoon

Betty: Yes, I am. Why do you ask

Jerry: I bought a new set of tennis rackets. I want to play with you. How about you

Betty: Its OK. Where are we going to play

Jerry: We will go to the schools indoor tennis court.

Betty: Are we permitted to use it

Jerry: It shouldnt be a problem.

Betty: Its very nice. When will we leave

Jerry: Shall we go right now

Betty: OK.

Jerry: Do you often play tennis

Betty: No. Not often at all.

Jerry: Are you good at it

Betty: Im very poor at tennis, but I think you must be good at it.

Jerry: Just so so. Actually, I am not a very good player.

















经 典 释 疑

Im very poor at tennis, but I think you must be good at it. 我非常不擅长打网球,但是我觉得你一定很会打。must be: 一定是,表示强烈的肯定。相比之下,must 表强烈的肯定,shall 不那么强烈,could 最弱。

must be 的常见用法有:must be doing, 肯定某人正在做某事。例如:

He must be doing his homework. 他一定在做他的作业。must have beendoing, 肯定某人一直在做的事。例如:He must have been trying his bestto study. 他肯定一直都在尽力学习.

常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Regular exercise makes me feel more energized. 有规律的锻炼让我感觉更有活力。

2. Jogging in morning makes you feel more energetic during the day. 晨跑让人白天更加精力充沛。

3. Yoga, Pilates and Latin dancing are fashionable figure-shaping programs with many women followers. 瑜伽,普拉提和拉丁舞是很多女士热爱的时尚塑身运动。

4. The fitness club will tailor a work-out plan according to the customers

physical conditions and personal needs. 健身俱乐部会根据客户的身体状况和个人需求定做一个健身计划。

5. Your personal trainer at the gym will advise you on your diet and can

help you come up with a work-out plan. 健身俱乐部的私人教练会对你的饮食计划建议,还能帮你制定出健身计划。

6. I havent gone to the fitness club for a long time because of work. 因为工作忙,我已经很久没去健身房锻炼了。

7. You look like in a perfect condition. 你看起来状态很好。

8. Im a little bit out of shape. I should get some exercises to keep fit. 我身材不太好,应该做点运动来保持身形。

12 I want a perm.


Id like a perm.


超 级 情 景 会 话

A Perm

Hairdresser: Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long. What do youwant

Jane: Id like a perm.

Hairdresser: Do you want a tight, medium or naturally curly perm

Jane: Id like to have it medium.

Hairdresser: How about your hairstyle

Jane: Can you tell me my choices

Hairdresser: Well, with a perm we can do various kinds of patterns,such as a bob, chaplet hairstyle, or a bun.Which do youprefer

Jane: I want a chaplet one. Id like to have it in big waves.

(Three hours later)Hairdresser: It looks wonderful.

Jane: Turn the chair so that I can see myself in the mirror.

Hairdresser: How do you like it

Jane: Beautifully done. Thank you a lot.








Hairdresser: 烫发可以做成不同造型,比如说短发式,盘花冠式,圆发髻式。您喜欢哪种呢?


( 三个小时后)


Jane: 转一下椅子,这样我就可以在镜子里看到我自己了。



经 典 释 疑

Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 很抱歉让你一直等。

keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事,例如:Dont keep her taking care ofthe baby. 不要让她一直照顾孩子。

Turn the chair so that I can see myself in the mirror. 转一下椅子,这样我就可以在镜子里看到我自己了。

see sb. in the mirror ∕ look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子例如:When I look at myself in the mirror, I found myself so attractive.


常 用 语 聚 焦

1. Id like a perm. 我想要烫发。

2. Do you want a cold wave or an ordinary perm你想要冷烫还是热烫?

3. Id like my hair crimped. 我想把头发做成卷发。

4. Id like to have a new permanent. 我想重新烫一下头发。

5. Do you have pictures of hairdos to show me 你们有没有发型图片让我看一看?

6. That looks just fine to me. 看起来很适合我。

7. Can I have the style like that 我能做那种发型吗?

8. Id like to get a tight curly permanent. 我想烫小卷的发型。

9. Do you want a tight, medium, or naturally curly perm 你想要大卷、中卷,还是自然卷?

10. Youll look more attractive with curly hair. 你烫了头发会更有魅力。