书城公版Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine


Strange as it may seem, a prick of a pin not entering a vital center or organ has been the indirect cause of death. Augenius writes of a tailor who died in consequence of a prick of a needle between the nail and flesh of the end of the thumb. Amatus Lusitanus mentions a similar instance in an old woman, although, from the symptoms given, the direct cause was probably tetanus.

In modern times Cunninghame, Boring, and Hobart mention instances in which death has followed the prick of a pin: in Boring's case the death occurred on the fifth day.

Manufacture of Crippled Beggars.--Knowing the sympathy of the world in general for a cripple, in some countries low in the moral scale, voluntary mutilation is sometimes practiced by those who prefer begging to toiling. In the same manner artificial monstrosities have been manufactured solely for gain's sake. We quite often read of these instances in lay-journals, but it is seldom that a case comes under the immediate observation of a thoroughly scientific mind. There is, however, on record a remarkable instance accredited to Jamieson of Shanghai who presented to the Royal College of Surgeons a pair of feet with the following history: Some months previously a Chinese beggar had excited much pity and made a good business by showing the mutilated stumps of his legs, and the feet that had belonged to them slung about his neck. While one day scrambling out of the way of a constable who had forbidden this gruesome spectacle, he was knocked down by a carriage in the streets of Shanghai, and was taken to the hospital, where he was questioned about the accident which deprived him of his feet. After selling the medical attendant his feet he admitted that he had purposely performed the amputations himself, starting about a year previously. He had fastened cords about his ankles, drawing them as tightly as he could bear them, and increasing the pressure every two or three days. For a fortnight his pain was extreme, but when the bones were bared his pains ceased. At the end of a month and a half he was able to entirely remove his feet by partly snapping and partly cutting the dry bone. Such cases appear to be quite common in China, and by investigation many parallels could elsewhere be found.

The Chinese custom of foot-binding is a curious instance of self-mutilation. In a paper quoted in the Philadelphia Medical Times, January 31, 1880, a most minute account of the modus operandi, the duration, and the suffering attendant on this process are given. Strapping of the foot by means of tight bandages requires a period of two or three years' continuance before the desired effect is produced. There is a varying degree of pain, which is most severe during the first year and gradually diminishes after the binding of all the joints is completed.

During the binding the girl at night lies across the bed, putting her legs on the edge of the bed-stead in such a manner as to make pressure under the knees, thus benumbing the parts below and avoiding the major degree of pain. In this position, swinging their legs backward and forward, the poor Chinese girls pass many a weary night. During this period the feet are unbound once a month only. The operation is begun by placing the end of a long, narrow bandage on the inside of the instep and carrying it over the four smaller toes, securing them under the foot. After several turns the bandage is reversed so as to compress the foot longitudinally. The young girl is then left for a month, and when the bandage is removed the foot is often found gangrenous and ulcerated, one or two toes not infrequently being lost. If the foot is thus bound for two years it becomes virtually dead and painless. By this time the calf disappears from lack of exercise, the bones are attenuated, and all the parts are dry and shrivelled. In after-life the leg frequently regains its muscles and adipose tissue, but the foot always remains small. The binding process is said to exert a markedly depressing influence upon the emotional character of the subject, which lasts through life, and is very characteristic.

To show how minute some of the feet of the Chinese women are, Figure I of the accompanying plate, taken from a paper by Kenthughes on the "Feet of Chinese Ladies" is from a photograph of a shoe that measured only 3 1/4 inches anteroposteriorly. The foot which it was intended to fill must have been smaller still, for the bandage would take up a certain amount of space. Figure II is a reproduction of a photograph of a foot measuring 5 1/2inches anteroposteriorly, the wrinkled appearance of the skin being due to prolonged immersion in spirit. This photograph shows well the characteristics of the Chinese foot--the prominent and vertically placed heel, which is raised generally about an inch from the level of the great toe; the sharp artificial cavus, produced by the altered position of the os calcis, and the downward deflection of the foot in front of the mediotarsal joint; the straight and downward pointing great toe, and the infolding of the smaller toes underneath the great toe. In Figure III we have a photograph of the skeleton of a Chinese lady's foot about five inches in anteroposterior diameter. The mesial axis of the os calcis is almost directly vertical, with a slight forward inclination, forming a right angle with the bones in front of the mediotarsal joint. The upper three-quarters of the anterior articular surface of the calcis is not in contact with the cuboid, the latter being depressed obliquely forward and downward, the lower portion of the posterior facet on the cuboid articulating with a new surface on the under portion of the bone.