书城公版Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine


His surgeon, Dupuytren, was reprimanded for keeping the wound open with a probe introduced every two hours, but this procedure has its advocates at the present day. Randall mentions a gunshot wound of the right ventricle which did not cause death until the sixty-seventh day. Grant describes a wound in which a ball from a revolver entered a little to the right of the sternum, between the cartilages of the 5th and 6th ribs, and then entered the right ventricle about an inch from the apex. It emerged from the lower part, passed through the diaphragm, the cardiac end of the stomach, and lodged in the left kidney. The patient remained in a state of collapse fifteen hours after being shot, and with little or no nourishment lived twenty-six days. At the postmortem examination the wounds in the organs were found to be healed, but the cicatrices were quite evident. Bowling gives a case of gunshot wound of the shoulder in which death resulted eleven weeks after, the bullet being found in the left ventricle of the heart. Thompson has reported a bayonet wound of the heart, after the reception of which the patient lived four days. The bayonet entered the ventricle about 1 1/2 inches from the left apex, traversing the left wall obliquely, and making exit close to the septum ventriculorum. Roberts mentions a man who ran 60 yards and lived one hour after being shot through both lungs and the right auricle. Curran mentions the case of a soldier who, in 1809, was wounded by a bullet which entered his body to the left of the sternum, between the 2d and 3d ribs. He was insensible a half hour, and was carried aboard a fighting ship crowded with sailors. There was little hemorrhage from his wound, and he survived fourteen days. At the postmortem examination some interesting facts were revealed. It was found that the right ventricle was transversely opened for about an inch, the ball having penetrated its anterior surface, near the origin of the pulmonary artery. The ball was found loose in the pericardium, where it had fallen during the necropsy. There was a circular lacerated opening in the tricuspid valve, and the ball must have been in the right auricle during the fourteen days in which the man lived. Vite mentions an example of remarkable tenacity of life after reception of a cardiac wound, the subject living four days after a knife-wound penetrating the chest into the pericardial sac and passing through the left ventricle of the heart into the opposite wall. Boone speaks of a gunshot wound in which death was postponed until the thirteenth day. Bullock mentions a case of gunshot wound in which the ball was found lodged in the cavity of the ventricle four days and eighteen hours after infliction of the wound. Carnochan describes a penetrating wound of the heart in a subject in whom life had been protracted eleven days. After death the bullet was found buried and encysted in the heart. Holly reports a case of pistol-shot wound through the right ventricle, septum, and aorta, with the ball in the left ventricle. There was apparent recovery in fourteen days and sudden death on the fifty-fifth day.

Hamilton gives an instance of a shoemaker sixty-three years old who, while carrying a bundle, fell with rupture of the heart and lived several minutes. On postmortem examination an opening in the heart was found large enough to admit a blowpipe. Noble speaks of duration of life for five and a half days after rupture of the heart; and there are instances on record in which life has been prolonged for thirteen hours and for fifty-three hours after a similar injury. Glazebrook reports the case of a colored man of thirty, of powerful physique, who was admitted to the Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D.C., at 12.30 A.M., on February 5, 1895.

Upon examination by the surgeons, an incised wound was discovered one inch above the left nipple, 3 1/4 inches to the left of the median line, the incision being 2 1/4 inches in length and its direction parallel with the 3d rib. The man's general condition was fairly good, and the wound was examined. It was impossible to trace its depth further than the 3d rib, although probing was resorted to; it was therefore considered a simple wound, and dressed accordingly. Twelve hours later symptoms of internal hemorrhage were noticed, and at 8 A.M., February 6th, the man died after surviving his injury thirty-two hours. A necropsy was held three hours after death, and an oblique incision 3/4 inch in length was found through the cartilage-end of the 3d rib. Asimilar wound was next found in the pericardium, and upon examining the heart there was seen a clean, incised wound 1/2inch in length, directly into the right ventricle, the endocardial wound being 3/8 inch long. Both the pericardium and left pleura were distended with fresh blood and large clots.