

“确实会有一些不满。我觉得一般是20多岁的年轻员工看到年龄较大的同事这样做时,会想‘这不太公平吧’。但我认为她们到30多岁,要照顾孩子的时候,就不会这么想了。”“当我不到下班时间就走的时候,我的同事会嘟囔着‘我讨厌你’。我觉得那是因为我在努力做到两不误。”“我换过95份工作,有全职的,有兼职的。”“也就是说不光带孩子的女性才想要自由工作时间吗?”“是的。”乔迪·戴是Gateway Women的创立者,这是一个专为没有孩子的女性成立的组织。她说,有不满情绪是十分正常的。“这在职场是一个不大好提出的问题,因为事关公平、平等和多样性。而且,如果办公室里大部分女性都有孩子,那么就可能形成一种压倒性的群体思维。这样一来,如果你没有孩子,你的声音很容易被湮没。”


单词解析Word analysis

1. flexibIe['fleks?b(?)l]adj.灵活的

例句:We can be flexible about your starting date.


2. commit[k?'m?t]v.投入(钱,时间,人力等)

例句:A lot of money has been committed to this project.

3. dominant['d?m?n?nt]adj.强大,有优势的

例句:Japan became dominant in the mass market.


4. resentfuI[r?'zentf?l; -f(?)l]adj.愤恨的,不满的

例句:She felt resentful at not being promoted.


5. a case of一个例子

例句:It is a case of the student outstripping the teacher.


6. strike a baIance把两者安排得当,保持平衡

例句:It is not easy to strike a balance.


How to strike a balance between work and study?


7. sort of有几分地

例句:That would sort of ruin the point.


8. be attached to附属于;隶属于

例句:You'll be attached to this department until the end of the year.


The old man wore an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon.


9. associate with打交道

例句:I don't associate with that crowd.


I'm very selective about the people I associate with.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. Here is what some people I asked in London thought.


2. It's a difficult issue to bring up in the workplace because it's actually abo-ut fairness and equality, and diversity.

“It is”引导主语从句,It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。

3. About half of those questioned said that women who worked flexible ho-urs were resented and viewed as less committed by their colleagues.

“questioned”作后置定语修饰“about half of those”;“who worked flexible hours”作定语从句修饰“women”;“view sb as sth”表示“把某人看做……”。

4. The researchers foundthat the stigma attached to flexible working could be an obstacle to women's progression.

“that”引导一个宾语从句;“attached to flexible working”做后置定语,修饰“the stigma”;“an obstacle to sth”对某事是个阻碍。

23:二战大逃亡纪念仪式在波兰举行'The Great Escape'commemorated in Poland


70 years ago today during the Second World War,200 people tried to get out of a German prison camp in Poland. You may know their efforts as they were portrayed in The Great Escape movie. That was the The Great Escape movie made by MGM but there was not a happy ending. Of the 76 who got through the tunnel, only 3 escaped.50 were captured and executed. Andre Wiseman was sent to the camp just after the escape took place.

'Well, when I arrived at the camp, the camp was in a state of shock, disbelief. After the great escape relations between us and the Germans changed. The camp could not believe what the Germans had done to the 50. And there was shock, horror almost and a great deal of sadness.'

Well, today Andre Wiseman has been attending a commemorative service in Poland. And just before the ceremony got underway, as it was raining heavily, he told the BBC's Ross Atkins about the escape bid and today's commemoration events.

I'm standing in a forest in Poland where couple of hours'drive down the motor way from Berlin just across the border. This forest once upon a time was cleared. Exactly 70 years ago, after 18 months of planning the prisoners tried to get out of that camp through a 100-meter long tunnel they dug through the soft sand underneath the forest to the edge of the trees. And during that attempt,76 of them managed to make their way down the tunnel and out. However, as we now know, only 3 made it to safety.50 were later executed by the Gestapo.

Yes, it's not the best weather for this act of commemoration considering we have elderly veterans in their 90s here. They remember the tension in the camp. They remember the preparations and they remember the news beginning to come in that 50 of their friends and colleagues would not be returning. There are relatives here from around the world. This is probably the last big commemoration to which veterans will be able to travel.







单词解析Word analysis

1. portray[p??'tre?]v.描写,扮演

例句:Romantic artists portrayed nature as wild and powerful.


2. escape[?'ske?p; e-]v.逃离,逃走

例句:He broke down the locked door and escaped.


3. underneath[?nd?'ni?θ]adv. n.底下

例句:He got out of the car and looked und-erneath.


Japan became dominant in the mass market.


4. tension['ten?(?)n]]n.紧张,焦虑

例句:The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.


5. get through通过;做完;接通电话;度过,熬过(困难时期等)

例句:I think you can get through the first two chapters.


It is hard to see how people will get through the winter.


6. get underway开始;启程

例句:Technical negotiations are about to get underway, and we must continue to make progress.


Before I get underway with the project, th ere are several basic concepts that are im-portant to understand.


7. be abIe to会;能够