


人们正在尽可能地抢救格拉斯哥艺术学院。这座苏格兰最重要的建筑之一被大火摧毁。这座学校被认为是苏格兰最有影响力的设计师查理斯·雷尼·麦金塔(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)最伟大的杰作之一。格拉斯哥,Colin Blane报道。

在高处,可以从艺术学院窗户中看到火苗,浓烟冲向格拉斯哥市中心上空。消防员四分钟之内就来到现场,但是很快就发现,火苗已经迅速从地下室蔓延到阁楼,建筑大范围受损。这座建筑是查理斯·雷尼·麦金塔(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)最伟大的杰作之一。麦金塔28岁时在比赛中赢得了这栋建筑的设计权。受损的不仅是这栋建筑,麦金塔图书馆似乎也在大火中灰飞烟灭。

单词解析Word analysis

1. ceasefire['si?sfa??]n.停火

例句:They have agreed to a ceasefire after three years of conflict.


2. rebeI['reb(?)l]vi.反叛;反抗;造反;n.反叛者;叛徒

例句:The rebel troops, at last, submitted to the government.


3. outcome['a?tk?m]n.结果,结局;成果

例句:Five minutes from the end, the outcome of the match was still in doubt.


4. saIvage['s?lv?d?]n.打捞;海上救助;vt.抢救;海上救助

例句:The salvage of the ship and cargo was under way.


Meantime, work at the site will focus on stabilizing the fragile niche rock to further salvage history.


5. fuII-fledged['ful'fled?d]adj.成熟的;完全的

例句:They are far from a full-fledged military alliance.


6. masterpiece['mɑ?st?pi?s]n.杰作;绝无仅有的人

例句:'Man's Fate,'translated into sixteen languages, is probably his masterpiece.


7. biIIow into卷进;扑进

例句:A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room.


8. bIaze[ble?z]n.火焰;v.燃烧

例句:Fueled by wind and low humidity, the blaze charred dozens of acres.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. The government says Tuareg fighters are backed by Al-Qaeda militants.


Back用作动词时,取支持之意;be backed by……意为“受……支持”。

2. He said the rebels who were from 3 Tuareg separatist groups would remain in their positions.


who were from……是一个定语从句,修饰the rebels。remain是系动词,意为保留、维持。

3. The government has yet to sign the agreement.


yet是一个副词,意为“还;但是;已经”,常用在否定句中,与already相对;to do表示将来的动作。

4. Extensive efforts have been taking place to salvage as much as possible from the Glasgow's School of Art, one of Scotland's most important buildings which has been devastated by fire.


have been doing是现在完成进行时的被动语态,意为“一直被做”;as much as possible意为“尽可能多的”。

5. Mr. Putin said he believed Ukraine had descended into full-fledged civil war but he understood that Ukrainians wanted that country to emerge from the current crisis and would treat that choice with respect.


本句是but连接的并列句。句子前半部分中,had descended into用的是过去完成时,表示该动作发生在believe之前;后半部分是由两个that引导的宾语从句构成,分别做understood和wanted的宾语。

14:西班牙国王让位King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicates


King Juan Carlos who helped secure Spain's transition from dictatorship to democracy is abdicating after nearly 40 years on the throne. In a televised address, he said that when he turned to 76 in January, he decided the moment was right to pass on the role to his son Crown Prince Felipe. He said the deep financial crisis had stirred up an impulse for renewal in Spain and that a new generation was demanding the main role in preparing that future. Tom Burridge reports from the capital Madrid.

It was, according to royal officials, a personal decision, but King Juan Carlos's surprise announcement that he will abdicate in favor of his son comes after a difficult few years for the king. His youngest daughter has been implicated in a major corruption investigation, and he was heavily criticized for hunting elephants in Botswana while Spain was suffering the effect of the financial crisis.

Meanwhile, thousands of antimonarchist demonstrators have gathered in Madrid to call for a referendum on whether Spain should become a Republic. There are similar peaceful rallies in other Spanish cities. The BBC's correspondent in Madrid says republicanism is a potent mainstream force in Spain and the monarchy has seen a decline in popularity.





单词解析Word analysis

1. secure[s?'kj??; s?'kj??]vt.保护;adj.安全的;无虑的

例句:Troops were sent to secure the border.


2. dictatorship[d?k'te?t???p]n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位

例句:But this is not a magic solution to dictator ship or authoritarian rule.


3. democracy[d?'m?kr?s?]n.民主,民主主义;民主政治

例句:The essential of democracy is respensibility politics.


4. abdicate['?bd?ke?t]vi.退位;放弃;vt.退位;放弃

例句:To accomplish first-class businesses, he can not but abdicate happiness, travels, entertainments, love and hatred, quarrels, arguments and clarifications.


5. stir[st??]vt.搅拌;激起;惹起

例句:Will extremists be able to stir conflict and division, or will we unite on behalf of our shared security?


6. impuIse['?mp?ls]n.冲动

例句:I don't know how to resist my impulse.


7. impIicate['?mpl?ke?t]vt.使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响

例句:Nobody could go completely against the mainstream of the history.


8. corruption[k?'r?p?(?)n]n.贪污,腐败;堕落

例句:The people all over the country were revulsed by the political corruption.


9. anti-monarchist n.反君主主义者

例句:Meanwhile, thousands of anti-monarchist protested against the royal family.


10. referendum[,ref?'rend?m]n.公民投票权;外交官请示书