
第89章 商务英语合同实例(73)

We have been informed that the Beneficiary may require the Principal to extend this guarantee if the advance payment has not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We undertake to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing and your written statement that the advance payment has not been repaid and that this guarantee has not been extended.

This guarantee shall be governed by the laws of_________and shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.




1. beneficiary 受益人,受惠人;收款人

beneficiary of an L/C 信用证受益人

beneficiary of remittance 汇款收款人


The Board of Directors shall have full authority to take such action to officers and their survivors and beneficiaries. 董事会有充分权力对职员们及其遗属和受益人采取(必要)行动。

Please advise the credit to the beneficiary without adding your confirmation. 请向受益人通知信用证,不加保兑。

2. promptly 及时地,按时地

同义词有:in time 及时地; without delay无延误地;timely及时地




受益人名称和地址 :












Brief deion of Contract:

Name and address of Beneficiary:

(together with successors and assigns, all as defined in the Contract as the Employer)

By this Bond, (name and address of contractor)_________(who is the contractor under such Contract) as Principal and (name and address of guarantor)__________________as Guarantor are irrevocably held and firmly bound to the Beneficiary in the total amount of_________(the“Bond Amount”, say:_________) for the due performance of all such Principals obligations and liabilities under the Contract. (Such Bond Amount shall be reduced by_________% upon the issue of the taking-over certificate for the whole of the works under clause 10 of the Conditions of the Contract.)

This Bond shall become effective on the Commencement Date defined in the Contract.

Upon Default by the Principal to perform any Contractual Obligation, or upon the occurrence of any of the events and circumstances listed in sub-clause 15.2 of the conditions of the Contract, the guarantor shall satisfy and discharge the damages sustained by the Beneficiary due to such Default, event or circumstances. However, the total liability of the Guarantor shall not exceed the Bond Amount.

The obligations and liabilities of the Guarantor shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the Beneficiary to the Principal, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Principal or the Beneficiary, or by any other matters, whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the Guarantor.

Any claim under this bond must be received by the Guarantor on or before (the date six months after the expected expiry of the Defects Notification Period for the Works)__________________(the“Expiry Date”), when this Bond shall expire and shall be returned to the Guarantor.

The benefit of this Bond may be assigned subject to the provisions for assignment of the Contract, and subject to the receipt by the guarantor of evidence of full compliance with such provisions.

This Bond shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract. This Bond incorporates and shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds, published as number 524 by the international chamber of Commerce, and words used in this Bond shall bear the meanings set out in such Rules.

Wherefore this Bond has been issued by the Principal and the Guarantor on_________(date).

Signature(s) for and on behalf of the Principal

Signature(s) for and on behalf of the Guarantor


1. taking-over certificate 工程验收证书

2. taking-over 验收


Reporting shall continue until the Contractor has completed all work which is known to be outstanding at the completion date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works. 报告应持续至承包商完成了工程验收证书上注明的完工日期时尚未完成的所有工作为止。

3. whatsoever 无论什么。whatsoever是whatever的强调形式,并且用法比较正式,用在none, any, no one, anybody后面,用来加强否定句的语气,其作用相当于at all。


The obligations and liabilities of the Guarantor shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the Beneficiary to the Principal, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Principal or the Beneficiary, or by any other matters, whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the Guarantor. 担保人依此担保书所承担的义务和责任不因受益人对委托人工期的延长或受益人对委托人在其它方面的放松,或按照合同应实施的工作变更或暂停,或合同的修改、委托人或受益人的组成变动,或其它任何事项而解除,无论担保人知道或同意这些事项与否。







