
第55章 商务英语合同实例(39)

1. This agreement is the order of SALES CONTRACT (NO. TWC/001), and this ORDER is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:

Name of items



Unit price


2. Port of Loading:

3. Port of Destination: Tianjin

4. Shipment Date:

5. Payment terms: the same with the SALE CONTRACT

6. Documents: To facilitate the Buyer to check up, all documents should be made in a version identical to that used in this order from the Seller.

7. Advice of Shipment: The Seller shall, upon completion of Loading, advise immediately the Buyer by cable of name of commodity, number of packages, gross and net weights, invoice value, name of vessel and loading date.

8. Insurance:

9. Terms of the quality:

10. Inspection and Claim: The Buyer shall have the right to apply to the General administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China (AQSIQ) or third-party inspection agency for inspection after discharge of the goods. Should the quality and/or quantity be found not in conformity with the order, the Buyer shall be entitled to lodge claims against the Seller on the basis of the Survey Report of AQSIQ or third-party inspection agency, within____days after discharge of the goods, with the exception, however, of those claims for which the shipping company and/or the insurance company are to be held responsible. All expenses incurred on the claim, including the inspection fee as per the certificate, shall be borne by the Seller.

11. Force Majeure: In case of Force Majeure the Seller shall not be held responsible for delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods but shall notify immediately the Buyer and deliver to the Buyer by registered mail a certificate issued by government authorities or Chamber of Commerce as evidence thereof. If the shipment is delayed over one month as the consequence of the said Force Majeure, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this Order. Sellers inability in obtaining export licence shall not be considered as Force Majeure.

12. Delayed Delivery and penalty: Should the Seller fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Order owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause 11 of this Order, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel or terminate the order. The Seller may, with the Buyers consent, postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the Buyer. The Buyer may agree to grant the Seller a grace period of____days. For each day delay, the Seller needs to pay__________________% of the price (the compensation) to the Buyer. Penalty shall be calculated from the_______________day.

13. Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Order shall be submitted to CIETAC Tianjin International Economic and Financial Arbitration Center for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commissions arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon all parties.

14. The Sellers account information:



A/C No.:

15. Others: The order includes two originals signed by the authorized signatories from each party on the following date, each party shall retain one fully signed original and each copy has equal legal effect. This agreement is written in English and Chinese. If both versions of English and Chinese are found inconsistent, the Chinese version should be the basis to follow. This order shall be governed by Chinese law.

The Buyer: The Seller:

Date: Date:


1. facilitate 促进,方便 。通常指“物体”,“过程”等,不用于指人,“使助进或便于”。该动词后面跟名词或动名词,一般“人”不能作为主语。如:

It would facilitate matters if they were more co-operative. 如果他们再合作些就容易多了。

Modern inventions facilitate housework. 现代的许多发明使家务简单多了。

To facilitate the Buyer to check up, all documents should be made in a version identical to that used in this order from the Seller. 为便于买方审查核实,卖方提供的各项单据均须使用与本订单相一致的文字。

2. effect 效果;效力; 在普通英语中effect通常指“效果,影响”,而在英语合同中effect更多用来指的是“实现”、“完成”。如:

In the event the Transferee does not effect payment within the stipulated time, the Transferee shall pay to the Transferor a penalty sum of 1% of the assignment amount for every overdue month. If the breach exceeds three months, the Transferor reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and demands indemnification, other than the penalty sum from the Transferee. 受让方若未按本协议规定的期限如数完成缴付出资时,每逾期一个月,受让方需缴付应出资额的1%的违约金给出让方,如逾期3个月仍未缴付的,除让甲方缴付违约金之外,出让方有权终止本协议,并要求受让方赔偿损失。

另外,effect 还通常在合同中表示“效力”。短语in full force and effect中,effect就是“效力”的意思。如:

This agreement since the date of signature and seal of both parties comes into effect.














1. 本协议是第TWC/001 号销售合同项下的订单,买卖双方同意,由买方购进,卖方出手下列货物,并按下列条款签订本订单:






2. 装运口岸:

3. 目的口岸:天津

4. 装运日期:

5. 付款方式:以销售合同约定为准

6. 单据:卖方提供的各项单据均须使用与本订单相一致的文字,以便买方审核查对。

7. 装运通知:卖方在货物装船后,立即将品名、件数、毛重、净重、发票金额、载货船名及装船日期以电报通知买方。

8. 保险

9. 质量条款:

10. 检验和索赔:卖方有权申请中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局或第三方检疫机构进行检验。如发现货物的品质或数量与订单不符,除属于保险公司及/或船公司的责任外,买方有权在卸货后_________天内,根据中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局出具或第三方检疫机构出具的证明书向卖方提出索赔,索赔所发生的一切费用(包括检验费用)均由卖方负担。


12. 延期交货及罚款: 除本订单第11条不可抗力原因外,如卖方不能如期交货,买方有权撤销或解除该订单,或经买方同意在卖方缴纳罚款的条件下延期交货。买方可同意给予卖方______天延缓期。每迟延一天卖方需向买方支付订单总价款______% 的违约金。罚款自第_________天起计算。


14. 卖方账户信息:




15. 其他约定:


