
第15章 商务英语合同的常用词汇与句型(7)

Contractor shall bear all cost of removing the properties that it owns upon termination of this agreement. Furnishings and other finishes, equipment and smallwares provided by Part A on its premise shall remain the property of Part A and shall not be removed by Contractor upon termination of this agreement.(承包商应承担协议终止时搬走其所有财产的一切费用。由甲方提供的置于工作场所的家具、成品、设备和杂品的产权仍应归甲方所有。协议终止时,承包商不得将其搬走。)


“除外”条款、“但书”条款在合同中称为saving clause, 英语表达形式一般是save that句型和save as句型,表示“……除外”。


Save as expressly provided herein, this Agreement may be amended or terminated, and any of the terms hereof waived, only by a document in writing specifically referring to this Agreement and executed by the parties hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by the party waiving compliance. (除非本协议明确规定,本协议可做修改或终止,本协议任一条款可放弃,仅通过特别提及本协议的书面文件并由本协议双方执行,或通过弃权声明放弃遵守的一方。)

Subject to clause 18.4, each party shall bear its own costs arising out of or in connection with the preparation, negotiation and implementation of this Agreement save that if this Agreement is lawfully rescinded by the Purchaser, the Vendors shall pay to the Purchaser its accountancy, legal and other costs and expenses in relation to the investigation of the Company prior to the date hereof and the preparation and negotiation of this Agreement.(在遵守第18.4条的条件下,每一方应各自承担其准备、协商和实施本协议所产生的或与之有关的费用,除非如本协议由买方依法解除,则卖方应向买方支付本协议订立前调查公司以及准备和协商本协议有关的会计、法律及其他花费和支出。)


Legal Proceeding: Injunctions. The Seller, the Buyer and the Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts (subject to the provision in Section 5.6 to cooperate with each other in connection with any claim, action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation with any other person which relates to the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder.(法律诉讼:禁止令。卖方、买方和本公司应竭尽全力(依照第5.6条规定)互相配合处理与他方有关的涉及本合同履行与交付及本合同项下预期交易完成的索赔、诉讼、案件、诉讼程式、质询或调查。)

Tenant shall not be required to join in any proceedings referred to in the provision at the end of 4.6 hereof unless the provisions of any law, rule or regulation at the time in effect shall require that such proceedings be brought by or in the name of Tenant, in which event Tenant shall join and cooperate in such proceedings or permit the same to be brought in its name, but shall not be liable for the payment of any costs or expenses in connection with any such proceedings, and Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for, and indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from and against any and all costs or expenses which Tenant may reasonably pay, sustain or incur in connection with any such proceedings.(承租人不得被要求参加本合同第四条第六款最后但书/限制性条款提及的任何诉讼,除非当时生效的法律法规要求该诉讼应由承租人或以承租人名义提起,此种情况下,承租人应配合该诉讼或允许该诉讼以其名义提起,但不承担任何与该诉讼有关的任何费用,业主应偿还并保证赔偿承租人合理支付的因该诉讼产生的全部费用。)

3. 引导条件从句的句型

在英语合同中,引导条件从句表示“如果、假如”, 常用in the event that (in the event of), in case (in case of), providing (that), provided (that), on condition that, if (if and whenever), where, in so far as (insofar as), should, suppose/supposing(that)等引导词。


In the event that the Contract Price or any other terms of the Contract changes after the issuance of the Letter of Credit (or Letter of Guarantee), the Owner shall arrange for such Letter to be amended accordingly as soon as possible after any such changes.(如果在信用证(或保函)开出后,合同总价或合同其他条款发生变化,所有者应尽快对信用证(或保函)进行相应的修改。)

In case part of or all know-how of the abovementioned technical contents have been published by Party B or Third Parties and A obtains evidence of such publication, then Party A shall no longer be responsible for keeping secret and confidential the part already published. (如上述专有技术的一部分或全部已由乙方或第三方公布,而甲方也掌握了已公布的证据,则甲方不再承担保密义务。)

15% of the above contract price, e.g. US $ 21, 000. 00 shall be paid by Party A to Party B by M/T within 30 days after Party A has received from Party B the following technical documentations and documents, providing that they are in conformity with the contract: (甲方从乙方处收到以下技术资料和文件后30天内应信汇乙方上述合同总价的15%,也就是21000美元,但该技术资料和文件应符合本合同要求。)

Either party may at anytime replace the chairman, deputy chairman or director(s) it has appointed, provided that it gives written notice to the Joint Venture Company and the other party. (任何一方可随时更换自己委派的董事长、副董事长或董事,但必须书面通知合资公司和合资的另一方。)

需要注意的是,provided that通常语气上有转折的含义,不太适合用于表达“假如,如果”;而用于表达“但是”,则较为过渡自然,符合汉语表达的规范。

Should the seller make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract with the exception of Force Majeure specified in Clause18 to this contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Seller agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation.(如果卖方并非因本合同第18条规定的不可抗力事件而未按合同规定的期限交货,那么,只要卖方同意支付罚金,并由付款行从议付款中扣除,买方便同意卖方延期交货。)

句中出现两处条件从句,should引导的从句属于非真实条件句,即虚拟语气,表示该条件发生的可能性很小,也就是说是当事人不希望出现的不利情况。而on condition that引导的条件从句,往往表示只要某情况出现,就如何。

Notwithstanding the completion of the sale and purchase of the ordinary shares in the Company, the terms and conditions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect between the parties hereto in so far as the same are not fulfilled.(即使买卖公司普通股已经结束,只要该行为尚未履行完毕,本协议条款对双方仍然完全有效。)

In all cases where Licensee desires artwork involving articles which are the subject of this license to be executed, the cost of such artwork and the time for the production thereof shall be borne by Licensee. (如果被许可方需要的工艺品涉及本许可将履行的标的,则该工艺品的费用和生产该工艺品的时耗应由被许可方承担。)

As an example, suppose that Stamps.com has a partnership agreement with a company called“Internet Marketing”. In this example,“Partner Name”would be“Internet Marketing”.(举例,如果Stamp.com公司与一家名叫Internet Marketing的公司有一合伙协议。本例中,该“合伙名称”就是“Internet Maketing”。)