
第12章 商务英语合同的常用词汇与句型(4)

Upon the termination of the Existing Letter of Credit and the payment of all amounts (if any) owing in respect thereof, Bank Boston, N.A. shall cease to be an Issuing Bank hereunder.(现有信用证一经期满所有相关应付款项的支付(如果有的话)即告终止,北美波士顿银行不再是该信用证项下的开证行。)

Party C or New Company shall retain all rights with respect to the specifications, plans, drawings and other documents and Party B undertakes not to disclose the same or divulge any information contained therein to any third country without the prior written consent of Party C or New Company.(丙方或新公司应保留有关说明书、计划书、图纸和其他文件的所有权利且乙方应承诺未经丙方或新公司事先书面同意不披露上述文件或泄露上述文件所包含的任何信息给第三国。)

此外,pertaining to, pertaining thereto也表示“涉及,与……有关”。


Broker is in the business of brokering real estate loans and engages sales representative to perform services pertaining to such business.(经纪人是在房地产贷款经纪业务中聘用销售代表进行有关该业务的服务。)

(24) in the event that, in the event of 含义是“如果”、“如果……发生”

in the event that, in the event of 相当于when, 表示“如果”、“如果……发生”,但是比when 正式,英语合同中常用。


In the event that either party hereto fails to comply with the terms or conditions of this Agreement and within 90 days after the written notice is issued by the other party hereto, fails to remedy such failure, the Party giving notice may, forth with, notify the other Party of the matter in question and terminate this Agreement.(如任何一方未能履行本协议规定的条款或条件,并在收到另一方书面通知之后90天内未对其不履行进行补救,发出通知的一方,可立即通知另一方终止本协议。)

2 实义词(Content Words)

(1) perform, fulfill, execute, implement 表示“履行”

perform, fulfill, execute,implement在英语合同中表示“履行”。perform表示 to do what one party is obliged to do by a contract,泛指双方履行合同的各项责任和义务,而 fulfill 表示 to do everything which is promised in a contract,强调合同一方具体履行合同的义务。execute, implement 表示强调具体实施,execute 也有签约、生效的用法。


With respect to the outstanding 180 M/T of low-density polyethylene NY2-11 under Contract No.79hp-106, we insist that you must open the covering letter of credit the soonest possible to secure the performance of the contract. We hereby would like to call your attention to the fact that the Adviser Inc., who purchased LDPE NY2-11 from us at the same time as you did have fulfilled their commitment under the previous Contract not long after we offered our regulated price and signed a new contract covering substantial quality.(有关第 79hp-106 号合同项下 180 公吨的低密度聚乙烯(NY2-11)未付款项,我方坚持要求贵方尽快开立信用证以保证合同的履行。我方在此提请贵方注意,在我方提供了调整的价格并签订了一份产品品质优良的新合同后不久,同时从我公司购买低密度聚乙烯(NY2-11)的 Adviser 公司已经按先前的合同履行完义务。)

Each party hereto, at the reasonable request of another party hereto, shall execute and deliver such other instruments and do and perform such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable for effecting completely the consummation of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.(本合同一方应在他方合理的要求下,应签署并交付其他文件并切实履行完成本协议和交易所必需或需要的行为和事宜。)


All expenses of keeping the books and records of the Company and the preparation of financial statements required to implement the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise needed for the conduct of the Companys business shall be borne by the Company.(所有为履行本协议条款所要求的保存本公司账册记录和准备财务报表的费用或其他公司经营所需要的费用由本公司承担。)

(2)mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, security, encumbrance



Seller warrants that the goods are now free, and that at the time of delivery shall be free from any security interest or other lien or encumbrance.(卖方保证货物现无约束,交付时应没有担保物权、其他留置权或债权。)

During the joint venture term of the Joint Venture Company, without Party Bs written consent, Party A shall not create any option right to acquire, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, or any other form of security or encumbrance on, over, or affecting the whole or any part of its equity interest in the Joint Venture Company.(本合资公司合营期间,未经乙方书面同意,甲方不得对本合资公司所有或部分股权设定期权、购并权、抵押权、保证、留置权,或其他任何形式的担保或债权,或因以上设定影响本合资公司的所有或部分股权。)

(3) to-wit“即”

to-wit 为法律专用语,意思是“即”,相当于that is to say (i.e.)。


Party A for considerations hereinafter named contracts and agrees with the Party B that Party A will, within_________days next following the date hereof, build and finish a_________building for Party B(the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building). The said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and specifications hereto annexed. In consideration of the foregoing, party B shall, for itself and its legal representatives, promise to pay Party A the sum of_________in manner as follows, to wit:(甲方基于下文所列各种因素,特与乙方达成了协议并一致同意:由甲方在订约日期之翌日起_________天之内为乙方建造并完成_________(涉约建筑)。涉约建筑之规模及所需的钢筋、水泥、砖块、石子和其它建筑材料之数量,均在作为合同附件的设计图和施工细则中予以说明。基于上述情况,乙方及其法定代表郑重承诺向甲方支付_________(金额)。支付方法商定如下:)

(4)represent, warrant, undertake, guarantee“保证”

这些词在英语合同中一般都表示“保证”的含义。其中represent和 warrant 一般连用,出现在合同的声明保证部分。


Party B hereby represents and warrants as to itself that: it is a duly organized legal entity, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with the qualification of auction business.(乙方声明并保证:乙方为按照香港特别行政区法律合法组建、依法经营并良好续存之法人,具有艺术品和古玩拍卖经营资质。)

Under FOB terms, the Seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board of the vessel nominated by the Buyer on any date notified by the Buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract.(根据离岸价格术语,卖方应保证根据在本合同第八条规定的时限内,按买方通知的日期,装运货物至买方指定船只。)

Party B guarantees that the machines and equipment are unused, sophisticated and of best quality, and that the machines and equipment are capable of manufacturing the steel wire rope.(乙方保证机器设备未经使用、性能良好、品质卓越而且该设备能生产出钢丝绳。)