
第41章 智慧人生(7)

As a result,I began to look upon myself from a different perspective.I began to see myself as a person responsible for myself and responsible for my friends and family.[A]It felt good to make my own decisions and see those decisions turn out to be wise ones.I guess that is all part of what people call"growing up".

[B]What did life have in store for me?At that stage in my life,I really was not certain where I would ultimately go in life and what I would do with the years ahead of me.But I knew that I would be able to handle what was ahead because I had successfuIIy jumped this important hurdIe in my life:I had made the transition from a person dependent in my family for emotional support to a person who was responsible for myself.


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A It feIt good to make my own decisions and see those decisions turn out to be wise ones.


make one's decision做决定。Some parents allow their children to make their own decisions.有些家长允许孩子自己做决定。turn out+to do结果是;原来是。He said he was a doctor;but later he turned out to be a cheat.他自称是个医生,结果证明他是个骗子。

B What did Iife have in store for me?


in store将要发生,就要出现There are better days in store for you.更好的日子在等着你。

Les Brown's DJ Dream 莱斯·布朗的DJ梦

Track 013.MP3






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Les Brown and his twin brother were adopted by Mamie Brown,a kitchen worker and maid,shortly after their birth in a poverty-stricken Miami neighborhood.Because of his hyperactivity and nonstop jabber,Les was placed in special education classes for the learning disabled in grade school and throughout high school.Upon graduation,he became a city sanitation worker in Miami Beach.But he had a dream of being a disc jockey.

At night he served as his microphone with a hairbrush,introducing records to his ghost listeners in his room.One day Les boldly got into the station manager's office in the local radio station and asked to be a disc jockey.The manager eyed this disheveled young man in overalls,a straw hat and refused him to offer the job because Les hadn't any background in broadcasting.But he underestimated the depth of Les Brown's commitment to his goal.[A]Les had a higher purpose than simply wanting to be a disc jockey.He wanted to buy a nicer house for his adoptive mother,whom he loved deeply.The disc jockey job was merely a step toward his goal.

Les returned to the station every day for a week,asking if there were any job openings.Finally the station manager gave in and took him on as an errand boy-at no pay.At first,he fetched coffee or picked up lunches and dinner for the deejays who could not leave the studio.Eventually his enthusiasm won him the confidence of the disc jockeys who would send him in their Cadillacs to pick up visiting celebrities.[B]Little did any of them know that young Les did not have a driver's license.Les did whatever was asked of him at the station-and more.While hanging out with the deejays,he taught himself their hand movements on the control panel.Back in his bedroom at night,he practiced and prepared himself for the opportunity that he knew would present itself.

One Saturday afternoon while Les was at the station,a deejay named Rock was drinking while on the air.Les was the only other person in the building.The manager didin't find other deejays so that had to retreat.

Les darted into the booth,gently moved Rock aside and sat down at the turntabIe.Because of his preparation,he conquered the audience and his general manager.From that fatefuI beginning,Les went on to a successful career in broadcasting,politics,public speaking and television.He realized his DJ's Dream.


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A Les had a higher purpose than simpIy wanting to be a disc jockey.


than prep.与……相比。例如,He is the person than whom I can imagine no one more courteous.我想不出一个比他更有礼貌的人。

B LittIe did any of them know that young Les did not have a driver's Iicense.



If You Fail,Start All Over Again 失败了从头再来

Track 014.MP3






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Annie Sullivan was a woman who accomplished a great deal,especially as the outstanding teacher of Helen Keller.She opened the door to Helen Keller's life.

She was born on April 14,1866 in a poor family.When she was nine years old.Annie went to a town called Tewksbury because her mother had died and the rest of her family did not want to care for her.Annie sometimes threw temper tantrums.[A]She had to live in the poorhouse where the illness that had been in her eyes at the age of three caused her to be blind.

[B]Annie moved to the Perkins Institution for the blind in October,1880 when she was fourteen years old.Annie graduated from college in 1886.She made a speech and even got a pair of new shoes and a new dress to wear occasionally.