What picture do you want to see 你想看哪部电影?
What kind of French films do you care for 你比较喜欢哪类法国电影?
Who do you like best among film actors
I am invited to the film premiere.我被邀请去看电影首映式了。
Would you like to see the film first run with me?
What is shown at the China Movie Theater?
This movie theater is often packed to capacity.这个电影院总是人满为患。
Todd Are you OK?
May I'm fine.I'm just so touched by the sad story.
Todd So I can say now that you must have enjoyed the opera.Which scene is your favorite?
May I love them all.But if I had to name one as the best,I would say it's the ending.
Todd What's it about? You know,I couldn't help falling asleep.
May Did you? I didn't notice that.But still you should know it,for you have seen it with Laura before.
Todd I guess I've done the same thing last time I was here with her,too.I mean falling asleep.For me,this one is not that attractive.
May Then I doubt if you like operas.
Todd Yes.I like Carmen very much.But I don't mind if you want to tell me about this one.
May OK,then.The man was old and he was visiting his wife's grave,with a rose in his hand.When he got there,he saw someone already put a rose on her grave.
Todd Very impressive.And I do like the leading actress who has an amazing voice.
May Me,too.There was always a good round of applause every time she sings.
Todd Yes,the applause! That was what kept waking me up during the show.
May And it's been such a faultless performance with the perfect lighting and music.Just amazing!
Todd No doubt it's not a simple thing to put on a "phantom show".
May Exactly.
painting 绘画
traditional Chinese painting 国画
canvas 油画
block print 版画
traditional Chinese realistic
painting 工笔划
painted egg-shell 彩蛋画
painted egg 彩蛋画,蛋画
studio 画室
figure 塑像,画像,外形,轮廓
paintbrush 画笔
stipple 点刻(法),点画
mechanical drawing 机械画
artist 大师,艺术家
brush drawing 毛笔画
charcoal pencil 炭笔
pigment 颜料
painter 画家
cave painting 石洞壁画
oil painting 油画
painting in fresco 壁画
tempera painting 胶画
watercolour/watercolor 水彩画
pastel drawing 蜡笔画
wash 水墨画
sanguine 红铅笔画
miniature 细密画
engraving 版画
painting,drawing 画
drawing from nature 写生画
mechanical drawing 机械画
tracing 临摹
chiaroscuro 单色画
design 描绘
sketch 草稿
study 习作
triptych,triptich 三联画
portrait 画像
self-portrait 自画像
model 模特
caricature 漫画
nude 裸体画
profile 轮廓
foreshortened figure 透视画法
landscape 风景画
seascape 海景画
still life 静物画
tapestry 壁毯
perspective 透视画
colouring/coloring 色彩
shade 阴影
cubism 立体主义,主体派
abstract 抽象派
figurative 造型的
brush 画笔
stroke 一笔
finishing touch 最后一笔
easel 画架,调色板
palette 画板
palette knife 调色刀
spatula 绘画抹刀,刮铲
picture,painting 图画
frame 画框
chassis 画布绷架
canvas 画布
studio 画室
art gallery 画廊,美术馆
sculptor 雕塑学
sculpture work 雕刻作品,雕塑
carving 雕刻
religious imagery 圣像雕塑
statue 人像
figure 塑像
study 粗样
bronze 铜像
terra-cotta 黏土
bust 半身像,胸像
caryatid 女像柱
stele 石碑
high relief 高浮雕
low relief,bas-relief 浅浮雕
absurdism 荒诞派(戏剧)
antagonist 反面人物
arena stage 中心式舞台、圆形
aside 旁白
audition 试演
back light 背光
backdrop 背景幕布
backstage 后台
black-box theatre 黑匣子剧场
blocking 舞台调度
broadway 百老汇
business 舞台上人物的细节动
作,又称 stage business
callback (选演员过程中的)复试
casting 分派角色
catharsis 情感净化、宣泄
character 剧中人物
chorus 歌队
climax 高潮
comedy 喜剧
commedia dell"arte 即兴喜剧
convention 戏剧惯例、程序
cross fade (灯光)暗转
cue 提示暗号,q 点
curtain call 谢幕
denouement 结局,收场
dimmer 调光器
downstage 舞台前部
drama 戏剧艺术
dramatic action 戏剧行动
dress rehearsals 彩排
ensemble 全体演员
epic theatre 史诗戏剧
farce 闹剧
flat (软)景片
focus 焦点
footlights 脚灯
found space 非常规表演空间
give notes
green room 演职员休息室
ham 过火表演,拙劣演员
house curtain 大幕
improvisation 即兴表演
kabuki 日本歌舞伎
levels 舞台上的台阶或坡道
mask 面具
melodrama 情节剧
mime 哑剧,哑剧
monologue/soliloquy 独白
motivation 人物(行动)动机
musical 音乐剧
objective 人物的任务,目的
off-broadway 外百老汇
off-off-Broadway 外外百老汇,
offstage 后台
performance area 表演区
plot 情节
producer 制作人
prompt 提词
prompt book 演出台词本
props (or properties)道具
proscenium stage 镜框式舞台
protagonist 主人公,主角
read-through 对台词
scenery 布景
stage directions 舞台提示
subtext 潜台词
tableau 舞台上的活人造型
tech rehearsal 排练中偏重技术
tempo 演出节奏
theatre 剧场艺术,戏剧
thrust stage 伸出式舞台
tragedy 悲剧
upstage 舞台后部
walk-through 走台
aberration 像差
absolute film 绝对电影
abstract film 抽象电影
academic editing 学院式剪接
academy aperture 影艺学院片门
academy awards 奥斯卡金像奖
academy leader 影艺学院导片
academy mask 影艺学院遮片
Academy of Motion Picture Arts &;
Science 美国电影艺术和科学学院
academy standards
accelerated montage
ACE 美国电影电视剪接师协会
American Cinema Editors 的简称。
action 开拍
action cutting 表演场次
action field 表演区
action film 动作片
actors studio 演员工作室
actual sound 真实声音
actualite 纪实片
ad lib 即兴台词
adaptation 改编
aerial shot 高空镜头
agent 经纪人
agit-prop 政治教育电影
aleatory technique 即兴技巧
amamorphic lens 变形镜头
ambiguity 暧昧性
american montage
anaglyph 立体电影
animation camera 动画摄影机
animation school of violence
animation stand 动画摄影台
animator 动画设计
answer print 校正拷贝
antagonist 反派角色
anticlimax 反高潮
antihero 反英雄
aperture 片门 摄影机或放映机
A-picture A级片
apple boxes 垫脚箱
arc lamp 弧光灯
aromarama 香味电影
art direction 美术设计
art director 美术指导
art house 艺术电影院
art theater 艺术电影院
aspect ratio 画面比例影像
assemble 顺片
associate producer
audience ratiing 卖座率
audience share 收视率
audimeter 自动播音记录器
avant-garde 前卫电影
baby drop 小布景
baby spot 小型聚光灯
back lot 露天片厂