
第87章 菜名(31)

番茄玉米汤tomato & corn soup

凤爪冬菇汤mushroom & chicken feet soup

凤爪汤vegetable chicken feet soup

凤爪甲鱼汤turtle & chicken feet soup

菜心双元汤soup of chicken and fish balls with vegetables

菠菜汤spinach soup

菠菜豆腐汤spinach & bean curd soup

庐山石耳汤mt Lushan stone fungus soup

芦笋鸡茸汤mashed chicken and asparagus soup

豆苗芙蓉蛋汤consommé of snow egg with bean sprouts

芙蓉竹笋汤sichuan bamboo shoot and egg white soup

清炖冬菇汤mushroom soup

竹笋鲜蘑汤soup with bamboo shoots and fresh mushroom

人参炖乌鸡ginseng and black hen soup

老火汤double stewed soup

老火例汤soup of the day

连锅汤pork and radish soup;boiled pork slices with turnip in soup

豆腐鱼头汤fish head and bean curd soup

番茄豆腐汤tomato and bean curd soup

蛋花汤egg &; vegetable soup

蚵仔汤oyster soup

花枝汤squid soup

贡丸汤meat ball soup

蘑菇清汤mushroom consommé

公司汤soup of the day

洋菇鹑蛋汤[粤]mushroom &; quail egg soup

青菜汤vegetable soup with ham or dried shrimp

青菜鸡片汤sliced chicken and vegetables in soup

泡鱼鸡汤sliced fish in chicken soup

芙蓉竹笋汤szechwan bamboo shoot foo yung soup

波蛋上汤;波蛋汤poached eggs in soup

李公什烩汤hord hi′s assorted meat &; vegetables soup

豆腐干丝汤dried beancurd shreds soup;shredded dried beancurd soup

肉圆粉丝汤pork balls &; bean threads in soup;pork balls &; bean vermicelli in soup

米仁汤barley soup

火腿冬瓜汤ham &; winter melon soup;ham and white gourd soup

牛肉粉丝汤beef with bean noodles in soup;beef with bean starch vermicelli in soup

牛肉肉丸汤beef ball soup

冬瓜三味汤[川]three flavored winter melon soup

冬菇冬瓜汤winter mushroom and winter melon soup

冬菇汤winter mushroom soup

冬菇鸡片汤sliced chicken &; mushroom soup

四宝汤four treasures soup

什锦火锅assorted chafing dish;mixed chafing dish; mixed fire pot

生片火锅raw food chafing dish; raw food firepot;instant boiled meat in hot pot

沙茶火锅barbecue sauce chafing dish

渍菜火锅chaffy dish with pickled vegetables

孔府一品锅kongfu yiping pot assorted meat(chicken,duck,sea cucumbers,fish maw and squid)with yam and yermicelli,Confucius clan style

什锦瓜丁汤diced melon &; assorted meat soup;soup of diced melon and assorted meats

什碎汤giblets soup;assorted meat soup with diced white gourd

鱼粥豆腐汤minced raw fish with beancurd soup

干贝丸子汤scallop soup with meat balls

干贝冬菇汤scallop and mushroom soup

三鲜锅巴three vegetables and potstuck rice;sizzling rice with seafood

肉片锅巴sliced meat with crispy rice; meat pieces with crispy rice;sizzling rice with sliced prok

三鲜锅巴soup of rice crust and three delicacies

虾仁锅巴fried shrimps with crisp rice;sizzling rice with shrimps

三鲜汤soup of sea food;soup of three delicacies; three fresh delicacies soup; soup with fish,shrimps and pork balls

口蘑雪笋汤dried bamboo and processed bamboo shoots

什锦锅巴assorted meat with crispy rice;sizzling rice with chop suey

口蘑锅巴bamboo and pot stuck rice

口蘑竹笋汤sichuan bamboo shoot &; mushroom soup

口蘑豆腐脑汤mushroom soup with soft bean curd

口蘑豆腐汤mushroom &; beancurd soup

三片汤three slice soup tri slices soup

三丝汤three thread soup;shredded ham,pork &; chicken in soup three shred vegetables soup

五滋汤five flavored mutton soup

八宝冬瓜汤“eight treasures” winter melon/white gourd soup

茨子菜汤puncture vine and vegetable soup

茨子蓉汤puncture vine and egg white

草菇鸡片汤sliced chicken and mushroom soup;sliced chicken with mushrooms in soup

浓汤四宝seafood thick soup with four delicacies

虫草鸭块汤duck in aweto soup

大葱土豆汤potato and scallion soup

冬瑶花胶炖石蛙stewed frog with scallop and fish maw in soup

豆苗枸杞竹笋汤pea sprouts and bamboo shoot soup with chinese wolfberry

番茄蛋花汤tomato and egg soup

凤尾虾丝汤phoenix tail prawns and seaweed soup

极品山珍汤supreme mushroom soup

家常蛋汤egg soup,home style

老火炖汤/每日例汤soup of the day

龙虾浓汤lobster soup;bisque of lobster

绿色野菌汤wild mushroom soup with greens

萝卜煲排骨汤pork rib and turnip soup

萝卜丝鲫鱼汤crucian carp and shredded turnip soup

美味多菌汤chef′s special mushroom soup

浓汤鱼片汤fish fillet thick soup

北菰蛋花汤mushroom and egg drop soup

山菌时蔬钵mushroom and vegetable soup

山珍菌皇汤supreme fungus and mushroom soup

上海酸辣汤hot and sour soup,Shanghai style

蔬菜海鲜汤seafood and vegetable soup

酸辣海参乌鱼蛋汤hot and sour cuttlefish roe soup with sea cucumber

酸辣汤hot and sour soup

酸辣乌鱼蛋汤hot and sour cuttlefish roe soup

乌鱼蛋汤cuttlefish roe soup

酸菜肚丝汤pickled cabbage and pork tripe soup

鲜菌鱼头汤fish head and fresh mushrooms soup

香茜鱼片汤fish fillet and coriander soup

雪菜大汤黄鱼stewed yellow croaker with bamboo shoots and preserved vegetable

亚洲式浓香鸡汤creamy Asian chicken broth(with shitake and enoki mushrooms and Chinese wolfberry

玉米鸡浓汤sweet corn and chicken soup

凤脯汤minced chicken breast soup

豆腐菜汤tofu and vegetable soup

素菜汤vegetable soup

家常汤house special soup

海鲜酸辣汤hot and sour seafood soup

油豆腐粉丝汤fried tofu and Vermicelli soup

芋头排骨汤spare ribs with taro soup

枸杞炖蛤clam soup simmered with chinese wolfberry

菠萝凉瓜炖鸡汤chicken soup simmered with bitter gourd and pineapple

盐菜肚片汤sliced pork tripe and pickled vegetable soup

咸冬瓜蛤蛎汤clam soup with white gourd

海皇一品汤braised assorted seafood in casserole

清汤四宝four delicacies clear soup

清汤三鲜three delicacies clear soup

醋椒三片汤three delicacies soup with Vinegar and pepper

龙凤汤chicken and crusian carp soup

茄汁鸭块汤duck soup with tomato sauce

烩鸭舌乌鱼蛋汤duck tongue and cuttlefish roe soup

鸭茸奶油蘑菇汤creamy duck and mushroom soup

白菜豆腐汤Chinese cabbage and tofu soup

竹荪炖菜汤bamboo fungus and vegetable soup

黑豆煲鱼头汤fish head and black beans soup

老酒菌汤mushroom and aged rice wine soup

清汤鸭四宝four delicacies of duck soup

玉带芦笋汤scallop and asparagus soup

竹荪银耳汤bamboo fungus and white fungus soup

清汤鸭舌羊肚菌duck tongue and morel soup

鸭架汤roast duck bone soup

紫菜蛋花汤seaweed and egg soup

西红柿鸡蛋汤tomato and egg soup

豆腐海带汤tofu and kelp soup;beancurd &; kelp soup;beancurd &; edible seaweed soup

红汤圆子pork meatballs in tomato soup

鱼丸汤fish ball soup

蛤蜊汤clams soup

牡蛎汤oyster soup

紫菜汤seaweed soup

酸甜汤sweet &; sour soup

馄饨汤wonton soup

猪肠汤pork intestine soup

菊花锅“chrysanthemum pot”

奶汤锅子鱼fish with white soup

海底椰酸辣乌鱼蛋汤cuttle fish egg with coconut in sour &; chilli soup

每日明火靓汤daily soup

姜花虾米汤dried shrimp soup with ginger


清江鱼茄子煲Qingjiang catfish and eggplant soup

菠菜鸡煲boiled chicken with spinach

白果鸭煲braised gingko and duck