
第69章 菜名(13)

葱烧水鸭stewed teal stuffed with scallions

葱爆烧鸭片quick fried sliced duck with scallions

葱油鸭baked duck with scallions

豉椒炒鸭片fried sliced duck with chili and fermented soya beans

陈皮炖鸭stewed duck with orange peel

炒鸭肠fried duck′s intestines

炒鸭舌掌fried duck tongue and web

炒口蘑鸭心saute mushroom and duck heart

拆鸳鸯鸭boned duck stuffed with minced shrimp

菜远鸭片fried sliced duck with vegetable heart

菠萝梅酱鸭duck in plum sauce with pineapple

菠萝烧鸭片sliced roast duck with pineapple

菠萝软鸭fried duck with pineapple

北菰烩鸭丝braised sliced duck with mushroom

北菰扒鸭braised half duck with mushroom

宝宝全鸭“winter garden”duck

百花香酥鸭“hundred flower”crisp fried duck

百花煎瓤鸭掌“hundred flower”fried duck webs stuffed with shrimp

八珍扒大鸭braised duck with “eight treasures”;braised duck with eight delicacies(husked lotus,ham,dried shrimp,winter mushroom,bamboo shoots,greens,pork tripe tips and squid)

八宝扒鸭braised duck with “eight treasures”

八宝全鸭roast duck with “eight treasures”;braised duck with assorted meat

八宝鸭duck stuffed with“eight treasures”

烤鸭roast duck

北京片皮鸭plum peking slices duck

酸甜明炉烧鸭(半)sweet and sour roast duck (half)

香酥鸭crisp deep fried duck

锅烧鸭fried duck

炖鸭stewed duck

荷叶包鸭steamed duck wrapped in lotus leaf

蚝油扒鸭braised duck with oyster sauce

罐焖鸭braised duck in pot; pot braised duck

红烧全鸭braised whole duck with soy sauce

红扒鸭子braised duck with soy sauce

罐焖鸭子braised duck in casserole

锅贴鸭fried duck cutlets

锅贴鸭片pan baked/light fried steamed duck

黄酒焖全鸭braised duck with rice wine

黄焖葫芦鸭braised duck in the shape of gourd with brown sauce

红糟鸭片braised duck slices with wine sauce

白扒鸭条braised duck slices with cream sauce

黄焖鸭块braised duck cubes with brown sauce

冬瓜鸭块braised duck cutlets with white gourd

豆豉鸭片fried sliced duck with fermented soya beans

蚝油鸭片fried duck slices with oyster sauce

酱烧鸭Stewed duck with soybean paste

炒鸭心fried duck hearts

炸鸭肝fried duck liver; stir fried duck liver

炸芝麻鸭肝fried duck liver with sesame seeds

烩鸭肝冬笋braised duck liver with bamboo shoots

烩鸭舌掌braised duck tongue and web

烩鸭掌braised duck web

蚝油鸭掌fried duck web with oyster sauce

芝麻鸭卷frittered duck roll with sesame

清蒸全鸭steamed whole duck

柴把鸭steamed duck with bamboo shoots and ham

脆皮鸳鸯鸭two colored crispy duck with minced shrimp stuffing;crispy duck prepared and serred in two styles

全聚德烤鸭Quanjude roast duck

全蝎望京鸭fried duck meat with scorpions

凤眼秋波鸭包deep fried duck rolls and quail eggs

凤眼秋波芋艿deep fried taro roots and quail eggs

红曲鸭膀braised duck wings seasoned with red yeast

罗汉鸭steamed duck with aturnipssorted vegetables

面鱼儿烧鸭roast duck with fish like dough

双冬鸭sautéed duck meat with bamboo shoots and mushrooms

子姜鸭sautéed duck with ginger shoots

魔芋烧鸭braised duck with shredded konjak

三鲜鸭包芋艿deep fried duck rolls stuffed with taro;deep Fried duck and taro rolls

五香鸭子spiced duck;multi flavored duck

鸭粒响铃fried diced duck

青椒鸭肠sautéed duck intestines with green pepper

糟溜鸭三白braised sliced duck meat,duck webs and duck livers in rice wine

四川樟茶鸭(配荷叶饼)smoked duck,Sichuan style (served with lotus leaf like pancake)

香熏鸭腰smoked duck kernel/teste

盐烤荷叶鸭salt baked duck in lotus leaf/teste

口水鸭肠duck intestines with chili sauce

火爆川椒鸭舌sautéed duck tongues with Sichuan chili;quick fried duck tongues with Sichuan chili

八珍发菜扒鸭braised duck with aturnipssorted meat and thread moss

赛海蜇拌火鸭丝shredded roast duck with white fungus

蜜汁烟熏鸭肉卷smoked duck rolls with honey sauce

香荽鸭翼sautéed duck wings with coriander

香酱爆鸭丝sautéed shredded duck in soy sauce

北菇扒大鸭braised duck with black mushrooms

北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck;peking duck;roast duck,Peiping style;roast duck,Beijing style

彩椒炒火鸭柳sautéed roast duck with bell pepper

虫草炖老鸭stewed duck with aturnipweto

蛋酥樟茶鸭fried smoked duck with egg crust

冬菜扣大鸭braised duck with preserved vegetables in bowels

参杞炖老鸭stewed duck with ginseng and Chinese wolfberry

豆豉芦笋炒鸭柳sautéed sliced duck with aturnipsparagus in black bean sauce

火燎鸭心sautéed duck hearts

酱爆鸭片sautéed sliced duck in soy sauce

罗汉扒大鸭braised duck with aturnipssorted vegetables

樱桃汁煎鸭胸pan fried duck breast in cherry sauce

蜜汁鸭胸pan fried duck breast with honey sauce

汽锅虫草炖老鸭stewed duck with aturnipweto in steam pot

芋茸香酥鸭deep fried boneless duck with taro puree

雀巢鸭宝sautéed diced duck meat in taro basket

黑椒焖鸭胗braised duck gizzards with black pepper

烩鸭四宝(鸭舌、鸭胰、鸭腰、鸭掌)braised four dud delicacies of duck(including tongue,pancrea,kidney and foot)

黄豆煮水鸭stewed duck with soya beans

生炒鸭松sautéed minced duck in lettuce leaf

酸梅鸭braised duck with plum sauce

香辣炒板鸭sautéed salted duck with hot spicye sauce

香酥脱骨鸭crispy boneless duck

香酥鸭荷叶夹deep fried duck in lotus leaf

酥皮鸭丝盅crispy shredded duck served in bowl

刺参扣鸭掌braised duck webs with sea cucumber

酱爆双脆soy sauce fried double cracking

碧绿酿仙掌shrimp stuffed duck feet

鸽蛋扒鸭braised duck with pigeon eggs

神仙鸭子“celestial duck”;steamed duck with seasoring

(3)鹅类菜肴(goose dishes)

香酥鹅crisp spiced goose

脆皮鹅crisp skin goose

特色潮州烧鹅braised goose, Chaozhou style

蒸腊鹅spiced goose wing tips and web feet

红烧全鹅braised whole goose in soy sauce

五香鹅spiced goose

鲍汁煎鹅肝pan fried goose liver (foie gras) in abalone sauce

鲍汁北菇鹅掌braised goose webs and black mushrooms in abalone sauce

鲍汁鹅肝braised goose liver in abalone sauce

鲍汁花菇烧鹅掌braised goose webs and mushrooms in abalone sauce

鲍汁扣鹅掌braised goose webs in abalone sauce

荔茸鹅肝卷deep fried goose liver roll with taro

辽参扣鹅掌braised goose webs with sea cucumber

菜头烧板鹅braised dried goose and lettuce head in spicy sauce

松茸扒鹅肝pan fried goose liver with matsutake

香煎鹅肝pan fried goose liver

野菌鹅肝pan fried goose liver with mushrooms

川式煎鹅肝fried goose liver,Sichuan style

潮州烧雁鹅roast wild goose,Chaozhou style

潮州炸鹅fried goose,Chaozhoou special

潮州卤鹅spiced goose,Chaozhou style

脆皮火鹅crispy goose

鲍汁百灵菇鹅肠stir fried mushroom and goose intestine in abalone sauce

豉油王鹅肠stir fried goose intestines with black soy bean sauce