
第30章 和你在一起 (16)

The next day I got a job driving a dump truck for a small paving company. As I hauled a load of gravel through the center of town, I saw Shep standing on the sidewalk near the bar. I yelled to him and thought I saw his tail wag. His reaction made me feel good.

After work I bought three more cans of Alpo and a cheeseburger. My new friend and I ate dinner together on the sidewalk. He finished his first.

The next night, when I brought his food, he welcomed me with wild enthusiasm. Now and then, his malnourished legs buckled and he fell to the pavement. Other humans had deserted him and mistreated him, but now he had a friend and his appreciation was more than obvious.

I didn’t see him the next day as I hauled load after load up the main street past the bar. I wondered if someone had taken him home.

After work I parked my black Harley on the street and walked down the sidewalk looking for him. I was afraid of what I would find. He was lying on his side in an alley nearby. His tongue hung out in the dirt and only the tip of his tail moved when he saw me.

The local veterinarian was still at his office, so I borrowed a pickup truck from my employer and loaded the limp mongrel into the cab. “Is this your dog?” the vet asked after checking the pitiful specimen that lay helplessly on his examining table.

“No,” I said, “he’s just a stray.”

“He’s got the beginnings of distemper,”the vet said sadly, “If he doesn’t have a home, the kindest thing we can do is put him out of his misery.”

I put my hand on the dog’s shoulder. His mangy tail thumped weakly against the stainless steel table. I sighed loudly. “He’s got a home.” I said.

For the next three nights and two days, the dog—I named him Shep—lay on his side in my apartment. My roommate and I spent hours putting water in his mouth and trying to get him to swallow a few scrambled eggs. He couldn’t do it, but whenever I touched him, his tail wagged slightly at the very tip.

At about 10:00 a.m. on the third day, I went home to open the apartment for the telephone installer. As I stepped through the door, I was nearly flattened by a jumping, wiggling mass of euphoric mutt. Shep had recovered.

With time, the mangy starving dog that nearly died in my living room grew into an eighty-pound block of solid muscle, with a massive chest and a super thick coat of shiny black fur. Many times, when loneliness and depression have nearly gotten the best of me, Shep has returned my favor by showering me with his unbridled friendship until I had no choice but to smile and trade my melancholy for a fast game of fetch-the-stick.

When I look back, I can see that Shep and I met at the low point of both of our lives. But we aren’t lonely drifters anymore. I’d say we’ve both come home.






“跟我来。” 我对它说道,但愿我不用抱着它长满疮的身体去寻找避雨的地方。它摇了摇尾巴,拖着虚弱的身体,拖着沉重的脚步跟在我的身后。我带着它走到酒吧的吧台旁边,它在冰凉的水泥地上躺了下来,闭上了眼睛。



















1. He stood unsteadily in the puddle, his hung like a weight at the end of his neck. Half his body was covered mange. His floppy ears were hairless pieces of flesh dotted with open sores.

2. I was of what I would find. He was lying on his side in an alley nearby. His hung out in the dirt and only the tip of his tail when he saw me.

3. With time, the mangy dog that nearly died in my living room grew into an eighty-pound block of muscle, with a massive chest and a super coat of shiny black fur.


1. 冰冷的倾盆大雨冲刷着小城酒吧前面的柏油马路。

2. 别人抛弃了它,虐待它,然而如今它有了朋友,它对我的感激难以言表。

3. 回首往夕,我与谢普相识时,我们都处于生活的低谷,但是如今我们不会感到孤单,也不再流浪。


1. ... Half his body was covered with mange.

be covered with:满是;被……覆盖


2. Now and then, his malnourished legs buckled and he fell to the pavement.

now and then:时而;不时
