
第11章 成功的DNA密码 (10)






1. Maybe because__ I was five, my favorite uncle took me to a wondrous new place called Disneyland. Maybe because I__ up in Southern California, visiting it every year or two, watching a man’s vision come to__ and grow. Or maybe because I learned that“when you wish upon a star, it makes no__ who you are.”Growing up on the Wonderful World of Disney, I learned how to__ .

2.__ can come true, but there is a__. They’re realized through the magic of persistence, determination, commitment, passion, practice,__ and hard work.


1. 奥运会的运动员们从来都不靠企求和希望取得胜利。


2. 梦想的实现需要一步一个台阶,要经过多年,而不是几个星期就能实现。


3. 当企求与希望使你成为一个梦想家时,行动和做事才会使你的梦想成真。



1. When you wish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are.

make no difference:没作用;没影响;都一样;毫无区别;没有关系


2. Want your work dreams to come true?

come true:实现;成真;达到



The Reward of Persistence

奥里森·马登 / Orison Marden

Cyrus W. Field had retired from business with a large fortune when he became possessed with the idea that by means of a cable laid upon the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, telegraphic communication could be established between Europe and America. He plunged into the undertaking with all the force of his being. The preliminary work included the construction of a telegraph line one thousand miles long, from New York to St. John’s, Newfoundland. Through four hundred miles of almost unbroken forest they had to build a road as well as a telegraph line across Newfoundland. Another stretch of one hundred and forty miles across the island of Cape Breton involved a great deal of labor, as did the laying of a cable across the St. Lawrence.

By hard work he secured aid for his company from the British government, but in Congress he encountered such bitter opposition from a powerful lobby that his measure only had a majority of one in the Senate.

On the second trial, when two hundred miles at sea, the electric current was suddenly lost, and men paced the decks nervously and sadly, as if in the presence of death. Just as Mr. Field was about to give the order to cut the cable, the current returned as quickly and mysteriously as it had disappeared.

The following night, when the ship was moving but four miles an hour and the cable running out at the rate of six miles, the brakes were applied too suddenly just as the steamer gave a heavy lurch, breaking the cable.

Field was not the man to give up. Seven hundred miles more of cables were ordered, and a man of great skill was set to work to devise a better machine for paying out the long line. Before the vessels were three miles apart, the cable, parted. Again it was spliced, but when the ships were eighty miles apart, the current was lost. A third time the cable was spliced and about two hundred miles paid out, when it parted some twenty feet from the Agamemnon, and the vessels returned to the coast of Ireland.

Directors were disheartened, the public skeptical, capitalists were shy, and but for the indomitable energy and persuasiveness of Mr. Field, who worked day and night almost without food or sleep, the whole project would have been abandoned.

Finally a third attempt was made, with such success that the whole cable was laid without a break, and several messages were flashed through nearly seven hundred leagues of ocean, when suddenly the current ceased.

Faith now seemed dead except in the breast of Cyrus W. Field, and one or two friends, yet with such persistence did they work that they persuaded men to furnish capital for another trial even against what seemed their better judgment. A new and superior cable was loaded upon the Great Eastern, which steamed slowly out to sea, paying out as she advanced. Everything worked to a charm until within six hundred miles of Newfoundland, when the cable snapped and sank.

Not discouraged by all these difficulties, Mr. Field went to work with a will, organized a new company, and made a new cable far superior to anything before used, and on July 13, 1866, was begun the trial which ended with the following message sent to New York:

“We arrived here at nine o’clock this morning. All well. Thank God! The cable is laid and is in perfect working order—Cyrus Field.”

The old cable was picked up, spliced, and continued to Newfoundland, and the two are still working, with good prospects for usefulness for many years.






