
第10章 男人来自火星,女人来自金星 (9)

现在,我改变了很多——不再有需要瞒着父母的秘密,不再有人过问我和朋友,不再有人关心我如何打发无聊时光,不再有人愿意倾听我对工作的看法,也不再有人理解我对生活的感受,我知道现实生活就是这样。我不断地努力,试着让日子过得简单有序而又充满希望,试着寻找真正属于自己的生活。 当然,我并不总这么想。偶尔,我会特别渴望回到那些大喜大悲的日子。记得从前,我的情感可在瞬间从狂喜转至绝望。别人的几句奉承话会让我兴奋几个小时,而一句恶语能让我有如针扎般刺痛。但如今,原本敏感的我早已干涩麻木。也许跟世上数百万普通人一样,我会从拥挤的公交车上向外张望,茫茫然,不知所措。

我是不是不该与众不同?我既没像一般小女生那样迷恋校足球队长,也没有对那个一无是处、烟不离手的未来诗人念念不忘。我们之间有着足以升华的成熟友谊。可是,当你向别的女孩伸出援助之手,当你提到远方的某人快要结婚,当你只顾看书而没意识到我们已一整天没见面时,为什么我都会感到一种莫名的嫉妒? 当我们太久没见,而你终究与我见面时,我为你精心准备了一个大礼包。一首小诗、一本你一直想要但没找到的书、一张旧照片、一块可供两人分享的巧克力。我该穿什么衣服呢?我们该谈论些什么话题呢?这个礼包至今还放在我的抽屉里,期待着电话的再次响起。








1. It is here even when I am not, for I go____now, leaving the light on and the music__ , so I can return____to the illusion of company.

2. Like probably millions____the world, I look____the window of a crowded bus,____in my own thoughts and wonder how it could happen to me.

3. My room was almost always locked and yours was no__ . We seemed to have discovered a whole world outside of ourselves all of a__ . The tragedy was we had also____the world we had before.


1. 我不断地努力,试着让日子过得简单有序而又充满希望,试着寻找真正属于自己的生活。


2. 别人的几句奉承话会让我兴奋几个小时,而一句恶语能让我有如针扎般刺痛,但如今原本敏感的我早已干涩麻木。


3. 如果现在我们都还保留着这些便条,它们一定会更完整地叙述我们的故事。



1. Was I not supposed to be different from the rest?

be supposed to:应该;被期望


2. We seemed to have discovered a whole world outside of ourselves all of a sudden.

seem to:好像



The Eyes of Love

佚名 / Anonymous

It’s always been the same since the day I first met you. You walked into the room and my world stood still. Time stopped when suddenly in the midst of the crowd your eyes finally connected to my gaze and through my eyes I told you that you were the loveliest of them all. Somewhat embarrassed, your eyes smiled back and you sheepishly welcomed my awkward stare. That began our life together--and what a life our eyes have enjoyed!

Our young eyes enveloped each other at such a tender age and in our innocence we stood facing each other, pledging our love and our life until death alone shall close the windows of our love. For six decades we have allowed our eyes of love to speak of our tomorrows and linger in the cool evenings of yesterday’s memories.__

Together we have seen the eyes of war, the eyes of hatred; first on foreign soil as we fought for the freedom of others. Then the hatred was enflamed in our own land, from sea to sea, as people of all color sought and fought for equality. Recently, our eyes have held the terrifying memories of the depth of man’s depravity as the innocence of children was raped by terrorists… first here, then there. Our buildings collapsed but not our faith.__

Our lifetime of love has allowed us to welcome the fullest expression of our union; the cycle of our life was birthed in her eyes and his and hers and his again.__

There were many days we struggled through our tears to find our way. Those days were long and difficult, yet in the darkest of those nights, when I thought my eyes would never again greet the dawn of a new day, you courageously walked into the room, my eyes would touch you and the sun once again brought the dawn to our midnight storm.__

It seems as if we simply blinked and the next day our eyes were joined with glasses; and though our vision had weakened our love grew stronger. Our children’s eyes have now captured the eyes of their mates and the cycle of sight continues. We have witnessed new eyes attempting to focus in their first moments of life and rejoiced as they smiled and said, “I love you Grandma and Granddad.”__

From the first time my eyes introduced you to my heart, l have loved you and love you all the more in this final moment.

Though most of yesterday’s memories have escaped me, I still live for the moment you walk into my room. Tile light that is left in these eyes struggles to see clearly and yet there is one moment of every day that captures all the memories of the first day I saw you. Today, you walk into a much smaller room, barely enough space for my bed and your chair. I can hear the door and in anticipation my heart begins preparing for the moment for which I now live. Though my ears, struggle for the sounds of life, I recognize your steps and for a fleeting second I try to engage my mind to force my body to stand in your honor; but my mind has grown old with me and so I simply look up and wait for the glimpse of your face as you lean over my bed and say, “Good morning, Honey. How’s my guy today?” And now the moment for which I live, with every bit of strength I have remaining, I beg my eyes to twinkle once more as the love of my heart welcomes you yet one more day. Today is a special day, for not only do you notice the sparkle of my eyes communicating my love but you also catch my faint attempt to force my left eye to wink and I remind you that you’re still my girl.

