
第26章 我们为什么不快乐 (12)










1. Remember _______ it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get _______any trial.

2. In doing _______, you’ll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your _______.

When you find_______ drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and _______ .

3. _______ you feel tension building, find something _______ to do. You’ll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your_______ will become clearer.


1. 要给自己留点时间去梦想、去充电,以全新的自我迎接未来的每一天。

2. 当你感觉心中的弦绷得太紧时,去找点有趣的事做做。

3. 你的压力便渐渐消失,而你的想法也渐趋明朗。


1. When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest.

deplete of:弄空

2. When you’re faced with so many negative and draining situations...

be faced with: 面临;面对


Focus on the Joy

佚名 / Anonymous

It’s the Holiday Season—a new year is just around the corner! I’ll bet you’re already thinking about how you’d like next year to be a little different than last, right?

But instead of thinking of performance, and efficiency, and control, I’d like you to take this opportunity to think about how many things in your daily life that you do “just for the joy of it”?

What I’m talking about here is value-based happiness (as opposed to temporary happiness).

Value-based happiness refers to the general feeling of well being that you experience when you are doing what you perceive to be meaningful—when it’s something that’s important to you.

When you love what you do, you naturally become more efficient. When you do things for the joy of it, you’ll rise above problems, and move easier through life.

Value-based happiness is a by-product from living a life focused on the Joy. It is the by-product of doing things not for what you get in return, not because you “should”or“have-to”, but because you want to, because they are a part of your highest goals, and what your value.

Value-based happiness comes from looking at things with your heart, not just your eyes.

You create value-based happiness by focusing on the joy of life, instead of constantly looking for the next new thing that might make you feel better about yourself, about your life.

So how do you focus on the Joy?

Throw out your ideas about control, effectiveness, and goals. (Yes, they are important, but let’s just try something different, OK?)

Focus on Learning.

Instead of making a goal to achieve more in your job, decide instead to read and learn how to do one new thing each week.

Focus on Time.

Schedule your time to include what’s important to you, like reading time, or exercise time, or family time, or learning time.

Focus on the Why.

Instead of just forcing yourself to mop the kitchen floor, tap into the higher goal that mopping the kitchen floor supports (having a clean and healthy home).

How does that feel? Not bad, Huh! If you focus on the pleasure that a desire gives you, you’ll find it easier to put in the work that it takes. (One author gives the example of giving blood—while the experience itself may be less than pleasant, the joy comes in knowing “why” you’re doing it).

And I absolutely guarantee that you will achieve more, mainrain your efforts, and have a much better journey along the way.

Over the next 12 months, instead of focusing on the effort, FOCUS ON THE JOY. Focus on the people and things that are most important to you. Focus on the pleasure you get out of moving towards your goals. Focus on the process of creating something, not what results you expect.

Invest in yourself more than you ever thought was allowed. Not only will you reap rewards, but those around you will benefit more than you ever believed.






















1. When you love _______ you do, you naturally become more efficient. When you do things for the joy of it, you’ll rise above _______ , and move easier life.

2. Value-based happiness is a by product from living a life_______ on the Joy. It is the by product of doing things not for what you get in _______ , not because you“should”or“have-to”, but because you _______to, because they are a part of your highest goals, and _______your value.

3. Over the next 12 months, instead of focusing on the _______ , FOCUS ON THE JOY. Focus on the people and things that are most_______to you.


1. 下定决心读书或每周学做一件新事情,而不是制订一个目标,要在工作上取得更多的业绩。

2. 你的时间表内应该安排那些对你来说重要的事情,如读书、锻炼、家人团聚,或学习的时间。

3. 抛开那些关于管理、效率和目标的东西。


1. It’s the Holiday Season—a new year is just around the corner!

around the corner:不久的将来;将要到来

2. What I’m talking about here is value-based happiness(as opposed to temporary happiness).

oppose to:反对