But our Patron warn'd by this Disaster,resolved to take more Care of himself for the future;and having lying by him the Long-boat of our English Ship we had taken,he resolved he would not go a fishing any more without a Compass and some Provision;so he ordered the Carpenter of his Ship,who also was an English Slave,to build a little State-room or Cabin in the middle of the Long Boat,like that of a Barge,with a Place to stand behind it to steer and hale home the Main-sheet;and Room before for a hand or two to stand and work the Sails;she sail'd with that we call a Shoulder of Mutton Sail;and the Boom gib'd over the Top of the Cabbin,which lay very snug and low,and had in it Room for him to lye,with a Slave or two,and a Table to eat on,with some small Lockers to put in some Bottles of such Liquor as he thought fit to drink in;particularly his Bread,Rice and Coffee.
We went frequently out with this Boat a fishing,and as I was most dextrous to catch fish for him,he never went without me:It happen'd that he had appointed to go out in this Boat,either for Pleasure or for Fish,with two or three Moors of some Distinction in that Place,and for whom he had provided extraordinarily;and had therefore sent on board the Boat over Night,a larger Store of Provisions than ordinary;and had order'd me to get ready three Fuzees with Powder and Shot,which were on board his Ship;for that they design'd some Sport of Fowling as well as Fishing.
I got all things ready as he had directed,and waited the next Morning with the Boat,washed clean,her Antient and Pendants out,and every thing to accomodate his Guests;when by and by my Patroon came on board alone,and told me his Guests had put off going,upon some Business that fell out,and order'd me with the Man and Boy,as usual,to go out with the Boat and catch them some Fish,for that his friends were to sup at his House;and commanded that as soon as I had got some Fish I should bring it home to his House;all which I prepar'd to do.
This Moment my former Notions of Deliverance darted into my Thoughts,for now I found I was like to have a little Ship at my Command;and my Master being gone,I prepar'd to furnish my self,not for a fishing Business but for a Voyage;tho' I knew not,neither did I so much as consider whither I should steer;for any where to get out of that Place was my Way.
My first Contrivance was to make a Pretence to speak to this Moor,to get something for our Subsistance on board;for I told him we must not presume to eat of our Patroon's Bread,he said that was true;so he brought a large Basket of Rusk or Bisket of their kind,and three Jarrs with fresh Water into the Boat;I knew where my Patroon's Case of Bottles stood,which it was evident by the make were taken out of some English Prize;and I convey'd them into the Boat while the Moor was on Shoar,as if they had been there before,for our Master:I convey'd also a great Lump of Bees-Wax into the Boat,which weighed above half a Hundred Weight,with a Parcel of Twine or Thread,a Hatchet,a Saw and a Hammer,all which were of great Use to us afterwards;especially the Wax to make Candles. Another Trick I try'd upon him,which he innocently came into also;his Name was Ismael,who they call Muly or Moely,so I call'd to him,Moely said I,our Patroon's Guns are on board the Boat,can you not get a little Powder and Shot,it may be we may kill some Alcamies (a Fowl like our Curlieus) for our selves,for I know he keeps the Gunners Stores in the Ship? Yes,says he,I'll bring some,and accordingly he brought a great Leather Pouch which held about a Pound and half of Powder,or rather more;and another with Shot,that had five or six Pound,with some Bullets;and put all into the Boat:At the same time I had found some Powder of my Master's in the Great Cabbin,with which I fill'd one of the large Bottles in the Case,which was almost empty;pouring what was in it into another:and thus furnished with every thing needful,we sail'd out of the Port to fish:The Castle which is at the Entrance of the Port knew who we were,and took no Notice of us;and we were not above a Mile out of the Port before we hal'd in our Sail,and set us down to fish:The Wind blew from the N.NE. which was contrary to my Desire;for had it blown southerly I had been sure to have made the Coast of Spain,and at least reacht to the Bay of Cadiz;but my Resolutions were,blow which way it would,I would be gone from that horrid Place where I was,and leave the rest to Fate.
After we had fisht some time and catcht nothing,for when I had Fish on my Hook,I would not pull them up,that he might not see them;I said to the Moor,this will not do,our Master will not be thus serv'd,we must stand farther off:He thinking no harm agreed,and being in the head of the Boat set the Sails;and as I had the Helm I run she Boat out near a League farther,and then brought her too as if I would fish;when giving the Boy the Helm,I stept forward to where the Moor was,and making as if I stoopt for something behind him,I took him by Surprize with my Arm under his Twist,and tost him clear over-board into the Sea;he rise immediately,for he swam like a Cork,and call'd to me,begg'd to be taken in,told me he would go all over the World with me;he swam so strong after the oat that he would have reacht me very quickly,there being but little Wind;upon which I stept into the Cabbin and fetching one of the Fowling-pieces,I presented it at him,and told him,I had done him no hurt,and if he would be quiet I would do him none;but said I,you swim well enough to reach to the Shoar,and the Sea is calm,make the est of your Way to Shoar and I will do you no harm,but if you come near the Boat I'll shoot you thro' the Head;for I'm resolved to have my Liberty;so he turn'd himself about and swam for the Shoar,and I make no doubt but he reacht it with Ease,for he was an Excellent Swimmer.