书城公版Robinson Crusoe


I describ'd to him the Country of Europe,and particularly England,which I came from;how we liv'd,how we worshipp'd God,how we behav'd to one another;and how we traded in Ships to all Parts of the World:I gave him an Account of the Wreck which I had been on board of,and shew'd him as near as I could,the Place where she lay;but she was all beaten in Pieces before,and gone.

I shew'd him the Ruins of our Boat,which we lost when we escap'd,and which I could not stir with my whole Strength then;but was now fallen almost all to Pieces:Upon seeing this Boat,Friday stood musing a great while,and said nothing;I ask'd him what it was he study'd upon,at last says he,me see such Boat like come to Place at my Nation.

I did not understand him a good while;but at last,when I had examin'd farther into it,I understood by him,that a Boat,such as that had been,came on Shore upon the Country where he liv'd;that is,as he explain'd it,was driven thither by Stress of Weather:I presently imagin'd,that some European Ship must have been cast away upon their Coast,and the Boat might get loose,and drive a Shore;but was so dull,that I never once thought of Men making escape from a Wreck thither,much less whence they might come;so I only enquir'd after a Deion of the Boat.

Friday describ'd the Boat to me well enough;but brought me better to understand him,when he added with some Warmth,we save the white Mans from drown:Then I presently ask'd him,if there was any white Mans,as he call'd them,in the Boat;yes,he said,the Boat full white Mans:I ask'd him how many;he told upon his Fingers seventeen:I ask'd him then what become of them;he told me,they live,they dwell at my Nation.

This put new Thoughts into my Head;for I presently imagin'd,that these might be the Men belonging to the Ship,that was cast away in Sight of my Island,as I now call it;and who after the Ship was struck on the Rock,and they saw her inevitably lost,had sav'd themselves in their Boat,and were landed upon that wild Shore among the Savages.

Upon this,I enquir'd of him more critically,What was become of them? He assur'd me they lived still there;that they had been there about four Years;that the Savages let them alone,and gave them Victuals to live. I ask'd him,How it came to pass they did not kill them and eat them? He said No,they make Brother with them;that is,as I understood him,a Truce:And then he added,They no eat Mans but when make the War fight;that is to say,they never eat any Men but such as come to fight with them,and are taken in Battle.

It was after this some considerable Time,that being upon the Top of the Hill,at the East Side of the Island,from whence as have said,I had in a clear Day discover'd the Main,or Continent of America;Friday,the Weather being very serene,looks very earnestly towards the Main Land,and in a kind of Surprise,falls a jumping and dancing,and calls out to me,for I was at some Distance from him:I ask'd him,What was the Matter? O joy! Says he,O glad! There see my Country,there my Nation!

I observ'd an extraordinary Sense of Pleasure appear'd in his Face,and his Eyes sparkled,and his Countenance discover'd a strange Eagerness,as if he had a Mind to be in his own Country again;and this Observation of mine,put a great many Thoughts into me,which made me at first not so easy about my new Man Friday as I was before;and I made no doubt,but that if Friday could get back to his own Nation again,he would not only forget all his Religion,but all his Obligation to me;and would be forward enough to give his Countrymen an Account of me,and come back perhaps with a hundred or two of them,and make a Feast upon me,at which he might be as merry as he us'd to be with those of his Enemies,when they were taken in War.

But I wrong'd the poor honest Creature very much,for which I was very sorry afterwards. However as my Jealousy encreased,and held me some Weeks,I was a little more circumspect,and not so familiar and kind to him as before;in which I was certainly in the Wrong too,the honest grateful Creature having no thought about it,but what consisted with the best Principles,both as a religious Christian,and as a grateful Friend,as appeared afterwards to my full Satisfaction.

While my Jealousy of him lasted,you may be sure I was every Day pumping him to see if he would discover any of the new Thoughts,which I suspected were in him;but I found every thing he said was so Honest,and so Innocent,that I could find nothing to nourish my Suspicion;and in spight of all my Uneasiness he made me at last entirely his own again,nor did he in the least perceive that I was Uneasie,and therefore I could not suspect him of Deceit.

One Day walking up the same Hill,but the Weather being haizy at Sea,so that we could not see the Continent,I call'd to him,and said,Friday,do not you wish your self in your own Country,your own Nation? Yes,he said,he be much O glad to be at his own Nation. What would you do there said I,would you turn Wild again,eat Mens Flesh again,and be a Savage as you were before? He lookt full of Concern,and shaking his Head said,No no,Friday tell them to live Good,tell them to pray God,tell them to eat Corn bread,Cattleflesh,Milk,no eat Man again:Why then said I to him,They will kill you. He look'd grave at that,and then said,No,they no kill me,they willing love learn:He meant by this,they would be willing to learn. He added,they learn'd much of the Bearded-Mans that come in the Boat. Then I ask'd him if he would go back to them? He smil'd at that,and told me he could not swim so far. I told him I would make a Canoe for him. He told me,he would go,if I would go with him. I go! says I,why they will Eat me if I come there! No,no,says he,me make they no Eat you;me make they much Love you:He meant he would tell them how I had kill'd his Enemies,and sav'd his Life,and so he would make them love me;then he told me as well as he could,how kind they were to seventeen White-men,or Bearded-men,as he call'd them,who came on Shore there in Distress.