书城公版The Miserable World

第257章 PART THREE(39)

He was the marble lover of liberty.

His speech was harshly inspired,and had the thrill of a hymn.

He was subject to unexpected outbursts of soul.Woe to the love-affair which should have risked itself beside him!If any grisette of the Place Cambrai or the Rue Saint-Jean-de-Beauvais,seeing that face of a youth escaped from college,that page's mien,those long,golden lashes,those blue eyes,that hair billowing in the wind,those rosy cheeks,those fresh lips,those exquisite teeth,had conceived an appetite for that complete aurora,and had tried her beauty on Enjolras,an astounding and terrible glance would have promptly shown her the abyss,and would have taught her not to confound the mighty cherub of Ezekiel with the gallant Cherubino of Beaumarchais.

By the side of Enjolras,who represented the logic of the Revolution,Combeferre represented its philosophy.

Between the logic of the Revolution and its philosophy there exists this difference——that its logic may end in war,whereas its philosophy can end only in peace.Combeferre complemented and rectified Enjolras.

He was less lofty,but broader.

He desired to pour into all minds the extensive principles of general ideas:

he said:

'Revolution,but civilization';and around the mountain peak he opened out a vast view of the blue sky.The Revolution was more adapted for breathing with Combeferre than with Enjolras.

Enjolras expressed its divine right,and Combeferre its natural right.

The first attached himself to Robespierre;the second confined himself to Condorcet.

Combeferre lived the life of all the rest of the world more than did Enjolras.If it had been granted to these two young men to attain to history,the one would have been the just,the other the wise man.Enjolras was the more virile,Combeferre the more humane.

Homo and vir,that was the exact effect of their different shades.

Combeferre was as gentle as Enjolras was severe,through natural whiteness.He loved the word citizen,but he preferred the word man.

He would gladly have said:

Hombre,like the Spanish.

He read everything,went to the theatres,attended the courses of public lecturers,learned the polarization of light from Arago,grew enthusiastic over a lesson in which Geoffrey Sainte-Hilaire explained the double function of the external carotid artery,and the internal,the one which makes the face,and the one which makes the brain;he kept up with what was going on,followed science step by step,compared Saint-Simon with Fourier,deciphered hieroglyphics,broke the pebble which he found and reasoned on geology,drew from memory a silkworm moth,pointed out the faulty French in the Dictionary of the Academy,studied Puysegur and Deleuze,affirmed nothing,not even miracles;denied nothing,not even ghosts;turned over the files of the Moniteur,reflected.

He declared that the future lies in the hand of the schoolmaster,and busied himself with educational questions.

He desired that society should labor without relaxation at the elevation of the moral and intellectual level,at coining science,at putting ideas into circulation,at increasing the mind in youthful persons,and he feared lest the present poverty of method,the paltriness from a literary point of view confined to two or three centuries called classic,the tyrannical dogmatism of official pedants,scholastic prejudices and routines should end by converting our colleges into artificial oyster beds.

He was learned,a purist,exact,a graduate of the Polytechnic,a close student,and at the same time,thoughtful'even to chimaeras,'so his friends said.He believed in all dreams,railroads,the suppression of suffering in chirurgical operations,the fixing of images in the dark chamber,the electric telegraph,the steering of balloons.

Moreover,he was not much alarmed by the citadels erected against the human mind in every direction,by superstition,despotism,and prejudice.He was one of those who think that science will eventually turn the position.

Enjolras was a chief,Combeferre was a guide.One would have liked to fight under the one and to march behind the other.

It is not that Combeferre was not capable of fighting,he did not refuse a hand-to-hand combat with the obstacle,and to attack it by main force and explosively;but it suited him better to bring the human race into accord with its destiny gradually,by means of education,the inculcation of axioms,the promulgation of positive laws;and,between two lights,his preference was rather for illumination than for conflagration.A conflagration can create an aurora,no doubt,but why not await the dawn?

A volcano illuminates,but daybreak furnishes a still better illumination.

Possibly,Combeferre preferred the whiteness of the beautiful to the blaze of the sublime.

A light troubled by smoke,progress purchased at the expense of violence,only half satisfied this tender and serious spirit.

The headlong precipitation of a people into the truth,a'93,terrified him;nevertheless,stagnation was still more repulsive to him,in it he detected putrefaction and death;on the whole,he preferred scum to miasma,and he preferred the torrent to the cesspool,and the falls of Niagara to the lake of Montfaucon.

In short,he desired neither halt nor haste.

While his tumultuous friends,captivated by the absolute,adored and invoked splendid revolutionary adventures,Combeferre was inclined to let progress,good progress,take its own course;he may have been cold,but he was pure;methodical,but irreproachable;phlegmatic,but imperturbable.

Combeferre would have knelt and clasped his hands to enable the future to arrive in all its candor,and that nothing might disturb the immense and virtuous evolution of the races.