书城公版The Miserable World

第117章 PART TWO(2)

Hougomont has two doors,——the southern door,that of the chateau;and the northern door,belonging to the farm.Napoleon sent his brother Jerome against Hougomont;the divisions of Foy,Guilleminot,and Bachelu hurled themselves against it;nearly the entire corps of Reille was employed against it,and miscarried;Kellermann's balls were exhausted on this heroic section of wall.Bauduin's brigade was not strong enough to force Hougomont on the north,and the brigade of Soye could not do more than effect the beginning of a breach on the south,but without taking it.

The farm buildings border the courtyard on the south.

A bit of the north door,broken by the French,hangs suspended to the wall.It consists of four planks nailed to two cross-beams,on which the scars of the attack are visible.

The northern door,which was beaten in by the French,and which has had a piece applied to it to replace the panel suspended on the wall,stands half-open at the bottom of the paddock;it is cut squarely in the wall,built of stone below,of brick above which closes in the courtyard on the north.

It is a simple door for carts,such as exist in all farms,with the two large leaves made of rustic planks:beyond lie the meadows.

The dispute over this entrance was furious.For a long time,all sorts of imprints of bloody hands were visible on the door-posts.It was there that Bauduin was killed.

The storm of the combat still lingers in this courtyard;its horror is visible there;the confusion of the fray was petrified there;it lives and it dies there;it was only yesterday.

The walls are in the death agony,the stones fall;the breaches cry aloud;the holes are wounds;the drooping,quivering trees seem to be making an effort to flee.

This courtyard was more built up in 1815 than it is to-day.Buildings which have since been pulled down then formed redans and angles.

The English barricaded themselves there;the French made their way in,but could not stand their ground.

Beside the chapel,one wing of the chateau,the only ruin now remaining of the manor of Hougomont,rises in a crumbling state,——disembowelled,one might say.

The chateau served for a dungeon,the chapel for a block-house.There men exterminated each other.

The French,fired on from every point,——from behind the walls,from the summits of the garrets,from the depths of the cellars,through all the casements,through all the air-holes,through every crack in the stones,——fetched fagots and set fire to walls and men;the reply to the grape-shot was a conflagration.

In the ruined wing,through windows garnished with bars of iron,the dismantled chambers of the main building of brick are visible;the English guards were in ambush in these rooms;the spiral of the staircase,cracked from the ground floor to the very roof,appears like the inside of a broken shell.

The staircase has two stories;the English,besieged on the staircase,and massed on its upper steps,had cut off the lower steps.

These consisted of large slabs of blue stone,which form a heap among the nettles.

Half a score of steps still cling to the wall;on the first is cut the figure of a trident.

These inaccessible steps are solid in their niches.All the rest resembles a jaw which has been denuded of its teeth.There are two old trees there:

one is dead;the other is wounded at its base,and is clothed with verdure in April.

Since 1815 it has taken to growing through the staircase.

A massacre took place in the chapel.

The interior,which has recovered its calm,is singular.

The mass has not been said there since the carnage.

Nevertheless,the altar has been left there——an altar of unpolished wood,placed against a background of roughhewn stone.

Four whitewashed walls,a door opposite the altar,two small arched windows;over the door a large wooden crucifix,below the crucifix a square air-hole stopped up with a bundle of hay;on the ground,in one corner,an old window-frame with the glass all broken to pieces——such is the chapel.

Near the altar there is nailed up a wooden statue of Saint Anne,of the fifteenth century;the head of the infant Jesus has been carried off by a large ball.The French,who were masters of the chapel for a moment,and were then dislodged,set fire to it.

The flames filled this building;it was a perfect furnace;the door was burned,the floor was burned,the wooden Christ was not burned.

The fire preyed upon his feet,of which only the blackened stumps are now to be seen;then it stopped,——a miracle,according to the assertion of the people of the neighborhood.The infant Jesus,decapitated,was less fortunate than the Christ.

The walls are covered with inscriptions.

Near the feet of Christ this name is to be read:


Then these others:Conde de Rio Maior Marques y Marquesa de Almagro(Habana).There are French names with exclamation points,——a sign of wrath.The wall was freshly whitewashed in 1849.

The nations insulted each other there.

It was at the door of this chapel that the corpse was picked up which held an axe in its hand;this corpse was Sub-Lieutenant Legros.

On emerging from the chapel,a well is visible on the left.There are two in this courtyard.

One inquires,Why is there no bucket and pulley to this?

It is because water is no longer drawn there.Why is water not drawn there?

Because it is full of skeletons.

The last person who drew water from the well was named Guillaume van Kylsom.

He was a peasant who lived at Hougomont,and was gardener there.

On the 18th of June,1815,his family fled and concealed themselves in the woods.

The forest surrounding the Abbey of Villiers sheltered these unfortunate people who had been scattered abroad,for many days and nights.There are at this day certain traces recognizable,such as old boles of burned trees,which mark the site of these poor bivouacs trembling in the depths of the thickets.

Guillaume van Kylsom remained at Hougomont,'to guard the chateau,'and concealed himself in the cellar.

The English discovered him there.