
第18章 紧紧握住梦想的航标 (4)

The third path is the path of stagnation. This path is the hardest of the three to define. This is because one could argue that stagnation is the result of a lack of choice, or the path that one travels when not choosing. But not choosing is a choice in itself, therefore it takes some action or effort to choose to not choose, if only internally. Also, on the premise that life is change, I would say that the third path, the path of stagnation, is the most difficult of the three to travel. This is because stagnation is the result of no action, no directionality, no growth. Since life is change, and since we are all travelers in this life, we must be changing. We cannot survive any day of our lives unchanged, no matter how small the change may be. I would go further to say that not only is the third path difficult but that it is nearly, if not, impossible to travel. So this brings us to the two choices that we are left with, growth or decline? What do you choose?

Imagine if you will have two paths. One path ascends into the heavens to heights beyond imagination while the other path falls far into the deepest depths of the darkness below. Up and down, the two paths travel. Now, as you imagine these two paths, imagine that they are actually the same path. This time the only thing that changes is the direction in which the travelers are traveling. Imagine the souls that occupy this path. Some are going up and some are going down. Those travelers going up look upwards to the heavens and are feeling joy, hope, peace, and serenity. The travelers going down see only the cold darkness and the sad state of their own condition and are worried, stressed, in despair, and quickly losing hope. Now I will ask you to imagine one more thing. Imagine, if you will, that you are on that path, because you truly are. Now tell me, which way do you travel?









Career and Vocation工作与事业

Work at a job to earn or for quality of life.

As a child I was always counseled by parents and teachers to study hard, work diligently and get good grades. The earliest memories I have are of my kindergarten teacher telling us the fable of the ant and the cricket and repeatedly hammering it into us kids that we had to work hard so that we could enjoy after we got ourselves good jobs. Of course it goes without saying the “good jobs” were well paying jobs and all of us had to aim for those. No one ever asked us what we actually wanted to do. It was all about work hard, study, then get a job and make money.

All I wanted to do was read novels and write them—but creative writing is not something that is encouraged. It does not ensure a five figure salary. I was brainwashed all through school to become a doctor and even pushed into taking science in high school. I know many people who sing well, are wonderful painters or the most awesome cooks but were not allowed to pursue these talents as a vocation. This has resulted in a work force that is full of mediocre workers stifled in their nine-to-five jobs, while their true purpose, their true vocation is forgotten.

A true vocation is something that is sheer joy to work at. It liberates, it sets the soul on fire. It is a pleasure to watch a person who is motivated by his own self. It is a rare and absolutely uplifting sight. I once had the pleasure of watching a few young people singing and playing the guitar on a hillside. The pure joy in their faces and in the music they made - it was wonderful.