
第1章 摘要



《古兰经》注释历经两大时期——口耳相传和文字记录——形成注释学(‘Ilm al-Tafsīr)。注释学的学科立论、界定、要求和方法,为学界注释《古兰经》确立了明确的学科理论和严格的学术规范,从而使历代注释家基于注释学原理原则解读了《古兰经》的基本要义;阐述了《古兰经》宗教信仰与社会应用相结合的二元一体性;揭示了《古兰经》丰富的文化内涵与深刻的现实意义;回答了伊斯兰教与伊斯兰文化如何适应社会发展的问题。






For every cultural system in human life,there’s the academic tradition to annotate its classic,so does Islam to Al-qur‘ān.It is proved by historical documents that Al-qur’ān.is eternal and consistent however human society may evolve in history.What keeps changing is its annotation in its adaptation to the changing society.Therefore,started from Prophet Muhammad,mufassirs have interpreted the essence of Al-qur’an based on Al-qur‘ān.and hadīth and aqīdah,for the purpose of developing Islamic spirit,revealing the significance of Al-qur’ān.,and preserving Islamic culture in the ever-changing social development.

The formation of Islamic ‘ilm al-tafsir has experienced two major stages-Al-naql and al-tadwīn.The basic principles,requirements,approaches as well as primary definitions in ‘ilm al-tafsīr generate explicit academic theories and set standards for the annotation of Al-qur’ān.,which subsequently enables annotators from generations to interpret its essence,to elaborate the dual integrity of Islamic religion with the social lives,to reveal its deep cultural meaning and social significance,and to respond to the questions of how Islam and its culture could adapt to social development.

The historical improvement of the annotation to Al-qur‘ān.is the development of Isalmic academic study.The variety of annotation types-Al-tafsiral-ma’thūr,Al-tafsir bi al-ra‘y,Al-tafsir al-mawdu’iyy,Al-tafsir al-ishari,Al-tafsir al-ilmiyy,the contents of annotation-linguistics,jurisprudence,philosophy,al-tafsir al-sūfiyya,al-tafsir bi ‘ulūm al-quar’ān,the different schools of annotation-al-sunnah,al-shi’āh,al-khawarij,al-mu‘tazilah,contemporary annotation,and the different languages in annotation-Arabic language and various foreign languages all indicate the academic orientations in this field of study and reflect its profound development.Al-qur’ān.annotation bears a rich variety in style,content and social impact and contributes greatly to the profundity of ‘ilm al-Tafsir.These annotations not only feed new elements in Islamic cultural development,but become the indispensable academic achievement in human civilization.

The cultural,social,philosophical as well as temporal features embedded in Al-qur’ān.annotations are in a large sense summarize Al-qur‘ān.Al-qur’ān.annotation is the epitome of Islamic culture,the combination of various schools within Islamic religion,the necessary impetus for the Islamic social development,and is the representation of how Islam keeps its pace with social development.In brief,Al-qur‘ān.annotation shoulders a special academic task with its significant academic value,social function and historical meaning.

This project focuses mainly on the subject of Al-qur’ān.annotation.It is expected through this study of Al-qur‘ān.annotation to explore in depth the core of Islamic culture,to advance the Al-qur’ān.study in China,to extend Chinese Islamic religious study,to enrich the subject design in Arab study,Islamic study and Middle East study,and to mediate and enhance actively the mutual understanding between Chinese culture and Islamic culture.

Key word:Islamic culture Holy Al-qur‘ān.Al-tafsir